UN commission: End US colonial rule in Puerto Rico

Vol. 86/No. 25 - July 11, 2022

UNITED NATIONS — “U.S. laws dealing with Puerto Rico have one purpose — to perpetuate the colony,” said Richard López, speaking for the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. He was one of two dozen pro-independence petitioners at the annual hearing of…

Rail workers resist gov’t, boss attacks on safety, pay

US rail workers fight for right to strike, new contract
Vol. 86/No. 25 - July 11, 2022
Freight train derails June 23 in Texas. Four days later Amtrak train hit truck, derailed in Missouri, killing four, injuring 150. Bosses’ profit drive endangers workers, nearby communities.

After working for nearly three years under an expired contract on the nation’s Class 1 freight rail lines, 23,000 engineers received strike ballots from their union, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen. But this doesn’t mean a strike is…

40,000 rail workers in UK strike against wage freeze

Vol. 86/No. 25 - July 11, 2022

LONDON — In the first national strike here by an industrial union in decades, 40,000 rail workers stopped work for three days last week. Striking members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Union included station, signal, maintenance and track workers,…

Defend the working class, our families, women’s rights

Vol. 86/No. 25 - July 11, 2022
Sara Lobman, SWP candidate for U.S. Senate from New York, discusses with Bram Lefevete at New York action May 14 after draft Roe v. Wade decision was “leaked” to the press.

This statement by Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of Texas and the party’s 2020 presidential candidate, was released June 25. The Socialist Workers Party plans to redouble our efforts — our election campaigns, expanding the reach of…

Moscow’s troops out now! Defend Ukrainian sovereignty!

Vol. 86/No. 25 - July 11, 2022
Volunteers, emergency workers search for survivors amid wreckage in shopping mall in Kremenchuk, central Ukraine, after June 27 Russian missile strike. Scores were killed or injured in attack. Kremlin claims Kyiv bombed itself to smear Russia.

In one of his most brazen acts of murder of innocent civilians in his invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent cruise missiles that hit a busy shopping mall June 27 in Kremenchuk, far from the front lines of…

Back Ukraine independence! Moscow’s troops out now!

Solidarity of Ukraine, Russian toilers against Putin’s war
Vol. 86/No. 24 - July 4, 2022
Protest against Russian army-forced conscription of women’s husbands in Moscow-occupied “Donetsk People’s Republic” four months after they were sent to the front as cannon fodder.

The monthslong battle by Ukrainian toilers fighting to beat back Moscow’s bloody invasion and defend their national independence is now focused in the country’s eastern and southern regions. Moscow has massed its ground forces and is making costly gains in…

SWP launches renewal drive, will put party on Pa. ballot

Vol. 86/No. 24 - July 4, 2022
Chris Hoeppner, SWP candidate for Congress from Pennsylvania, right, with owner-operator Leroy Ford, left, at truck stop near Pittsburgh June 14. “I want to help” the campaign, said Ford.

“We need a change. What we are going through is not sustainable,” trucker Kenneth Kirkland told Chris Hoeppner, a railroad worker and Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Congress from Pennsylvania, at a truck stop in Bentleyville, south of Pittsburgh,…

Build solidarity with CN rail signal workers strike battle across Canada!

Vol. 86/No. 24 - July 4, 2022
June 20 picket line at Vancouver, British Columbia, rail yard at start of signal workers strike. IBEW members are fighting for wage increases, humane work schedules, safety.

MONTREAL — Some 750 signal and communications workers, members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, went on strike against the Canadian National Railway June 18 after negotiations broke down and the bosses demanded the union agree to submit unresolved…

Over 10,000 rally against boss, UK gov’t attacks on living standards

Vol. 86/No. 24 - July 4, 2022
Picket line by rail workers in Manchester, England, June 21, part of daylong strike actions by more than 40,000 RMT members across the country for better pay and opposing job cuts.

LONDON — More than ten thousand trade unionists from around the U.K. joined a June 18 demonstration here to protest mounting assaults on living standards. The action was called by the Trades Union Congress. “We’re being mugged,” Mesol Sapie, a…