Back Ukraine independence!
Moscow’s troops out now!

Opposition to Putin’s war continues inside Russia
Vol. 86/No. 16 - April 25, 2022
Voluntarios en Slavutych, Ucrania, hogar de obreros de la vecina planta nuclear de Chernóbil, descargan el 10 de abril, tras expulsar a tropas rusas, comida y otras necesidades que escasean.

Seven weeks into Moscow’s war against independent Ukraine, the determined resistance of that country’s armed forces and its population in general — as well as demoralization wracking the Russian troops and ineptness of their officer corps — brought Russian President…

Build support for striking Warrior Met coal miners!

Vol. 86/No. 16 - April 25, 2022
Otis Sims, front, miner for 43 years, with co-worker Charles Foster at April 6 rally in McCalla, Alabama, marking one year of UMWA strike at Warrior Met. Support “means a lot,” said Sims.

McCALLA, Ala. — Over 1,500 United Mine Workers of America members, retirees, family members, other unionists, and community supporters rallied in Tannehill State Park here April 6 to back UMWA members on strike at Warrior Met Coal in nearby Brookwood.…

Defeat of FBI entrapment case is a victory for political rights

Vol. 86/No. 16 - April 25, 2022

In a victory for political rights, prosecutors failed to convict any of four men who were entrapped and framed up by undercover FBI provocateurs, accused of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to try and stop her pandemic mask…

Defend independence of Ukraine! For defeat of Moscow’s invasion!

Vol. 86/No. 15 - April 18, 2022
Residents of Ivankiv, 50 miles northwest of Kyiv, celebrate ouster of Moscow’s occupation troops April 1. Fierce resistance by Ukrainian people forced Russian retreat. Despite brutal repression by Vladimir Putin regime, working people in Russia find ways to protest Ukraine war.

After over a month of stubborn resistance by Ukrainian forces and volunteers against Moscow’s invasion, two-thirds of Russian ground forces have withdrawn from around the capital, Kyiv, and from Chernobyl, Chernihiv, Sumy and numerous other smaller towns. Russian President Vladimir…