Farmers fight to defend their land in face of soaring prices

Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022

PAVO, Ga. — “The war in Ukraine and rising prices are the No. 1 topics of discussion among farmers in this area, Black and white,” said Willie Head, a longtime farmer in South Georgia. He was speaking with Sam Manuel,…

‘Militant’ takes fight to defend Ukraine out to working people

Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022
Arlene Rubinstein, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Washington, D.C., Delegate to the House, speaks with Wes Short, left, at trucker-led protest in Hagerstown, Maryland, March 16.

Explaining the stakes for working people in opposing Moscow’s war against Ukraine is at the center of discussions that members of the Socialist Workers Party are having with working people on their doorsteps, at factory gates, truck stops, on picket…

Join United Mine Workers April 6 rally to back Warrior Met strikers!

Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022
Miners picket Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, June 15, 2021. Rally April 6 marks one year on strike in fight to reverse deep concessions imposed on miners in 2015 bankruptcy.

ATLANTA — “We’re getting support from unions all over the country for the April 6 rally” to back United Mine Workers of America members who’ve been on strike for a year in Brookwood, Alabama, UMWA Director of Communications Erin Bates…

NY conference: End Washington’s economic war on Cuba’s revolution!

Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022
Part of audience at New York Cuba solidarity event March 19.

NEW YORK — “The U.S. government seeks through all its means to suffocate the Cuban economy,” said Pedro Luis Pedroso, Cuba’s permanent representative to the United Nations. “But in spite of the U.S. blockade and aggressions, the Cuban people will…

Defeat Moscow’s war on Ukraine! Defend Ukraine independence!

US troops, nuclear arsenal out of Europe!
Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022
March 21 protest in Kherson, Ukraine, against Moscow’s occupation. Russian troops fired tear gas, stun grenades at them, but rally continued. Sign opposes incorporation into Russia.

Moscow’s invasion has largely stalled as it faces determined resistance from Ukrainian troops and civilians, including in towns in the south that Russian forces occupy. The one city on the edge of being taken is Mariupol, surrounded and facing relentless…

Workers face soaring prices, fight for wage hikes to match

Vol. 86/No. 12 - March 28, 2022
Inflation reached 40-year high last month, wreaking havoc on workers’ living standards, posing need for fight for higher wages and cost-of-living adjustments in every union contract.

Rising prices, especially on food, gas, rent and other necessities, are upending the lives of millions of working people. What government officials insisted would be “transitory” is in fact part of a longer-term crisis the capitalist rulers are putting on…

Defeat Moscow’s war on Ukraine’s independence!

US troops, nuclear arms out of Europe!
Vol. 86/No. 12 - March 28, 2022
March 12 protest against Russian occupation in Kherson, in southern Ukraine. Moscow’s war is shaking up world capitalist order, posing threat of broader trade conflicts and wars.

Moscow’s brutal invasion of Ukraine is shaking the capitalist world order, increasing the challenges facing the U.S. rulers as they fight to maintain their supremacy. Capitalist powers across the globe are strengthening their own military forces to defend their national…

‘Militant’ drive for new readers gets out truth about Ukraine

Vol. 86/No. 12 - March 28, 2022
“We count on workers and farmers to defend Ukraine’s independence,” Philippe Tessier, Communist League candidate for National Assembly, told student rally in Toronto March 12.

The nine-week international drive to sell 1,600 subscriptions to the Militant, the same number of books by Socialist Workers Party and other revolutionary leaders, and to raise $165,000 for the Militant Fighting Fund is off to an excellent start. As…