Marches, strikes protest coup, call for end to military rule in Sudan

Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021
Protesters in London, Oct. 30, join in solidarity with hundreds of thousands who marched in Sudan to demand overthrow of military coup carried out a week earlier. “We have lived under these conditions for generations,” said Randa Ahmad-Hassan at the demonstration.

Carrying banners saying “No to military rule,” hundreds of thousands marched through the streets of Khartoum and other cities across Sudan Oct. 30, demanding the military coup carried out a week earlier be overturned. Solidarity protests were held the same…

Back Kellogg strike, fight against divisive wage tiers

‘Equal pay for equal work’ wins wide support
Vol. 85/No. 41 - November 8, 2021
Kellogg strikers and supporters rally in Memphis Oct. 8. Kellogg strike, like strike at John Deere and others today, is battle against bosses’ drive to put crisis of capitalist system on our backs.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — “This is my first strike,” Gerald Lawrence told this Militant worker-correspondent on the Kellogg’s picket line here Oct. 22. He has worked at the cereal plant for two years. “We’ve gotten so much support! At first I…

Vote SWP!

Expand reach of ‘Militant,’ books, party
Vol. 85/No. 41 - November 8, 2021
Alyson Kennedy, left, SWP Texas campaign chair, and SWP campaigner Dennis Richter, right, talk with Percy Gipson in Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 23. “Justice for Tiara,” painted on Gipson’s truck, is part of fight to force a real investigation into street killing of Gipson’s cousin, Tiara Williams. “Criminal violence, gangs, come from workings of the capitalist system,” said Richter.

With the 2021 elections just days away, the Militant urges readers to campaign for and vote for the Socialist Workers Party candidates and join in the fight to advance the party’s working-class program, which the SWP fights for 365 days…

Working class must lead in defense of land and labor, stewardship of nature

Vol. 85/No. 41 - November 8, 2021
Students study by solar lamp in Benin in 2017. While 700 million people worldwide lack access to electricity, anti-working-class environmental schemes call for ban on new power plants.

For 25 years the United Nations has hosted periodic conferences on climate change, where rival government leaders pose as self-righteous defenders of the environment. These capitalist regimes compete ruthlessly to advance their interests while perpetuating the fraud their goal is…

Cuba mobilizes to oppose US-gov’t organized call for Nov. provocations

Vol. 85/No. 41 - November 8, 2021

Groups organized and financed by the U.S. government have announced plans for public actions in several provinces in Cuba Nov. 15, pushing the slander that Cuba is a brutal “dictatorship.” Government officials denied the request for march permits, pointing out…

Puerto Rican actions demand gov’t act to end power blackouts

Vol. 85/No. 41 - November 8, 2021
Thousands in San Juan Oct. 15 protest blackouts, which have grown since control of electric utility was given to U.S-Canadian-owned Luma, deepening imperialist plunder of Puerto Rico.

Thousands took to the streets of San Juan Oct. 15 to demand the Puerto Rican government cancel the obscenely lucrative contract it gave Luma Energy, a privately owned U.S.-Canadian joint venture, to take over the U.S. colony’s electrical transmission and…

Kellogg strikers ‘strong, getting lots of solidarity’

Vol. 85/No. 40 - November 1, 2021
Some 1,400 members of Bakery Workers union began nationwide strike at Kellogg’s four cereal plants Oct. 5. Above, workers picket in Memphis, Tennessee. Other plants struck are in Battle Creek, Michigan; Omaha, Nebraska; and East Hempfield Township, Pennsylvania.

ATLANTA — “We’re strong and we’re getting a lot of support from other unions,” Kevin Bradshaw, vice president of Local 252G of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union in Memphis, Tennessee, told the Militant  by phone Oct.…