Join in special election week SWP drive to win support

Vol. 85/No. 40 - November 1, 2021

“I wish I had a union at my workplace,” Stephen Hammond told Róger Calero when the Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor of New York City knocked on his door in Middletown, New York, Oct. 17. “The little man has…

Kellogg strike is in the interest of all workers!

Bakery workers: ‘Equal pay for equal work’
Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021
Support rally Oct. 13 at BCTGM picket line at Kellogg’s plant in Memphis, Tennessee. Union is fighting bosses’ push to force permanent two-tier lower wages and benefits on new hires.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Just after midnight Oct. 4 nearly 300 members of Local 252G of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union walked out at Kellogg’s plant here. Some 1,400 workers are on strike nationwide at the…

Fight Texas law that attacks a woman’s right to choose abortion

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021

Two days after U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman ordered an injunction blocking a Texas law that severely restricts a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals granted a request by the Texas…

SWP campaign builds support for workers’ struggles today

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021
Beverly Bernardo, left, Communist League candidate for mayor of Montreal, marches with day care workers’ union in Montreal Oct. 12 during two-day strike over wages, working conditions.

The first week of the international combined drive to expand the readership of the Militant and communist literature and raise funds for the Socialist Workers Party shows the growing interest in discussing how workers can win support for union struggles…

Workers increasingly turn to our unions to fight assaults by bosses

Vol. 85/ No. 39 - October 25, 2021
Striking health care workers picket at Mercy Hospital in Buffalo, New York, Oct. 12, on day 12 of their strike for safe staffing, higher wages, especially for lowest-paid workers.

More workers are walking picket lines and using their unions to resist the bosses’ drive to overturn gains won in previous struggles and push for yet more concessions on wages, schedules and working conditions. Building support for each of these…

Kellogg workers strike against 2-tier contract, boss attacks

Vol. 85/No. 38 - October 18, 2021
Kellogg strikers in East Hempfield Township, Pa., Oct. 6.

Over 1,400 members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union struck four Kellogg Company cereal plants Oct. 5. They are determined to fight bosses’ demands for a two-tier contract that would deepen divisions among workers, as well…