Myanmar protests, strikes continue popular fight to oust military junta

Vol. 85/No. 19 - May 17, 2021
Thousands march in Kyaukme City in Myanmar’s Shan state, part of May 2 nationwide Spring Revolution. Feb. 1 coup, imposition of military rule and growing repression against mass upsurge has brought workers, farmers, minority ethnic groups together in struggle.

Labor unions in Myanmar, alongside associations of farmers, students, Buddhist monks, ethnic minorities and others, are appealing for solidarity in the fight to oust the brutal military junta, which seized power Feb. 1. “Not only is the military shooting at…

Chauvin trial was a blow to rights workers fought for and need today

Vol. 85/No. 19 - May 17, 2021

“Isn’t a just and working-class demand to prosecute, convict and jail killer cops?” reader Kyle Edwards asks in response to the Militant’s coverage of the trial and conviction of Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin. We fight for the prosecution of cops…

Solidarity with workers resisting boss attacks!

Warrior Met coal miners win support in ‘battle of our lives’
Vol. 85/No. 18 - May 10, 2021
April 21 rally in McCalla, Alabama, to support mineworkers on strike for higher wages, safety, pensions against Warrior Met Coal. Right, picket line same day at mine entrance in Brookwood.

MCCALLA, Ala. — At a rally attended by 450 people here April 21, striking miners from the Brookwood coal mine were joined by union retirees, family members and contingents from other unions. The event was held at Tannehill State Park…

Steelworkers refuse to give in to ATI bosses’ threats

Vol. 85/No. 18 - May 10, 2021

BRACKENRIDGE, Pa. — “Don’t try to strong-arm the steelworkers,” said Todd Barbiaux, president of United Steelworkers Local 1196. He was responding to demands by bosses at Allegheny Technologies Inc. that the union accepts the company’s latest offer by 5 p.m.,…

New hiring spurs workers struggles for jobs, unions

Vol. 85/No. 18 - May 10, 2021

U.S. bosses are hiring — from steel mills to construction sites to the restaurant business — as COVID-19 vaccinations spread, government lockouts are reduced and the ruling capitalist families see increased opportunities to profit. As production increases, and competition between…

Car caravans demand: ‘End US embargo against Cuba!’

Vol. 85/No. 18 - May 10, 2021
Participants from Las Tunas, Cuba, join worldwide April 25 caravans against the U.S. embargo.

Opponents of Washington’s over 60-year economic war against Cuba joined car caravans and rallies in at least 20 U.S. cities, and in Canada, the U.K. and other countries April 25. They demanded: End the U.S. embargo against Cuba! U.S. out…

Help expand the reach of the ‘Militant,’ SWP 2021 campaign!

Vol. 85/No. 18 - May 10, 2021

The nine-week international drive to sell 1,400 subscriptions to the Militant, 1,400 books on working-class politics and raise $145,000 for the Militant Fighting Fund has begun. The drive will advance the campaigns of the 20 Socialist Workers Party candidates for state…

Food delivery workers protest for decent wages, conditions, dignity

Vol. 85/No. 18 - May 10, 2021
Repartidores de comida marchan en Nueva York el 21 de abril. “Las empresas dicen que trabajar para ellos es una gran oportunidad, pero apenas estamos sobreviviendo,” dijo uno de ellos.

NEW YORK — Over 1,000 food-delivery workers took to the streets of Manhattan April 21 to demand a livable wage and decent working conditions from restaurant owners and app companies that rely on their services. Honking their bicycle horns they…