Juneteenth marked victory over chattel slave system

Vol. 85/No. 27 - July 12, 2021

Actions around the country celebrated Juneteenth, which only became a federal holiday two days earlier. June 19 marks an important milestone in the Second American Revolution, which abolished slavery and led to the strengthening of the working class with millions…

‘Domestic terrorism’ plan is threat to workers’ rights

Vol. 85/No. 26 - July 5, 2021

The President Joseph Biden administration released its new “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism” June 15, setting the stage for increased attacks on free speech and the political rights of working people.  The 30-page report issued by the National Security…

Women in Dominican Republic protest ban on abortion

Vol. 85/No. 24 - June 21, 2021

NEW YORK — The Dominican Republic is one of four countries in Latin America — along with Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador — where abortion is completely illegal, no exceptions. Only four Latin American countries have legalized abortion: revolutionary Cuba,…

Belarus dictator forces plane down, seizes protester

Vol. 85/No. 23 - June 14, 2021

In a brazen state skyjacking of a Ryanair passenger plane May 23, Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled Belarus with an iron fist for 27 years, seized dissident journalist Raman Protasevich and his companion, Russian student Sofia Sapega. A MiG-29 fighter…

The Cuban Revolution: An example for us today

Black liberation, workers’ stake in defending due process and how cops and courts serve capitalist rule
Vol. 85/No. 21 - May 31, 2021
Fidel Castro, left, addresses crowd in Colón, Cuba, Jan. 7, 1959, as Freedom Caravan crosses Cuba on way to Havana after overthrow of U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Cuba’s socialist revolution, along with struggle to bring down Jim Crow segregation, helped us “understand the kind of revolutionary transformation of ourselves necessary to defeat capitalist rulers,” said Mary-Alice Waters at Midwest Socialist Workers Party meeting April 24.

“Cuba and the Coming American Revolution: The 60th Anniversary of Two Historic Victories of the Cuban Revolution and Their Significance for Building a Revolutionary Party in the United States — Then and Now” was the featured talk at the Socialist…

Witch hunt against Trump, political rights continues

Vol. 85/No. 20 - May 24, 2021

Liberals — in Congress and media editorial offices — backed by local prosecutors, cops and more, continue to search for ways to silence and punish former President Donald Trump, his family and former administration allies, even though he left office…

SWP calls Int’l Active Workers Conference in Ohio July 22-24

Vol. 85/No. 19 - May 17, 2021

The Socialist Workers Party is hosting an International Active Workers Conference at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, July 22-24. Due to lockdown restrictions imposed by all levels of government since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the last time the…

Death penalty abolished in Virginia, victory for workers

Vol. 85/No. 16 - April 26, 2021

“There is no place for the death penalty in this commonwealth, in the South or in this nation,” Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam told the press as he signed a bill abolishing capital punishment March 24 in front of the Greensville…

Ten years since uprising, Syrian people face war, intervention

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021

For a decade now, working people in Syria have faced a social catastrophe since President Bashar al-Assad’s regime moved to crush a popular uprising for political rights in 2011. As civil war began, Washington and the rulers of Iran, Russia…