‘Back Puerto Ricans’ fight against US colonial rule!’

Vol. 88/No. 25 - July 8, 2024
Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. president, testifies in defense of fight by Puerto Rican people to throw off U.S. colonial oppression at U.N. hearing June 20.

Decolonization panel votes to back Puerto Rico struggle UNITED NATIONS — “As we speak, thousands of Puerto Ricans remain without electrical power and potable water due to recent collapses of segments of infrastructure. The U.S. government does nothing about it,”…

Independence for Puerto Rico debated at June 22 UN hearing

Vol. 87/No. 25 - July 10, 2023
Nov. 27, 2022, protest in San Juan against U.S. colonial rule in Puerto Rico. Speakers at U.N. hearing described how U.S. exploitation has worsened economic, social crisis on the island.

UNITED NATIONS — “The political, economic and social model of colonialism in Puerto Rico has not only failed dismally, but every day it is rejected by more Puerto Ricans,” Adrián González, organization secretary of the Puerto Rican Independence Party, told…

Puerto Rico brigade prepares for solidarity trip to Cuba

Vol. 87/No. 21 - May 29, 2023

The Cuba Solidarity Committee in Puerto Rico has not let FBI harassment of members of last year’s brigade to Cuba stop it from organizing to oppose the U.S. economic war on Cuba and tell the truth about Cuba’s Revolution. The…

Defend Cuba-Puerto Rico solidarity mural in Harlem!

Vol. 86/No. 45 - December 5, 2022
Defend Cuba-Puerto Rico solidarity mural in Harlem!

NEW YORK — “No matter how many times the right wing defaces this mural, we will restore it,” Marina Ortiz told a couple dozen people at a speak-out in front of the “Dos Alas” (two wings) mural here in the…

Puerto Rico Cuba solidarity group pushes back against FBI harassment

Vol. 86/No. 44 - November 28, 2022
Milagros Rivera, left, president of Cuba Solidarity Committee in Puerto Rico, joined Oct. 29 protest in New York against U.S. rulers’ financial, trade and economic war against Cuba.

NEW YORK — “They haven’t been able to break Cuba, so they have to criminalize solidarity,” Milagros Rivera, president of the Cuba Solidarity Committee in Puerto Rico, said in an Oct. 28 interview at the Militant office here. She was…

NY meeting hits FBI harassment in Puerto Rico

Vol. 86/No. 42 - November 14, 2022
Oct. 28 event in People’s Church in New York. From left, Rev. Dorlimar Lebrón, chair; Milagros Rivera, Cuba Solidarity Committee in Puerto Rico; Gail Walker, Pastors for Peace; Oronde Lumumba Shakur, African People’s Socialist Party; Ana López, Frente Independentista Boricua; and Martín Koppel, SWP.

NEW YORK — “The FBI will not intimidate us!” Milagros Rivera, president of the Cuba Solidarity Committee in Puerto Rico, told an audience of 120 people here Oct. 28. “We will continue to fight for the freedom of our homeland,”…

Protest FBI attacks in Puerto Rico, US embargo on Cuba

Vol. 86/No. 38 - October 17, 2022

NEW YORK — Milagros Rivera, president of the Cuba Solidarity Committee of Puerto Rico, will be in New York City Oct. 27 to 29 on a speaking tour to strengthen the fight against FBI harassment of opponents of the U.S.…