Back fight for Puerto Rico independence!

Vol. 86/No. 25 - July 11, 2022

Statement by Sara Lobman for the Socialist Workers Party to the hearing of the U.N. Special Committee on Decolonization of Puerto Rico, June 20, 2022. Distinguished chairperson and committee members: My name is Sara Lobman. I am the Socialist Workers…

Teachers fight attack on pensions in Puerto Rico

Vol. 86/No. 13 - April 4, 2022

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Buoyed by winning a big pay increase, thousands of teachers marched to the governor’s mansion in this capital of the U.S. colony March 15 to protest pension cuts. The new minimum wage for teachers will…

Puerto Rican teachers protest over wages, pension cuts

Vol. 86/No. 8 - February 28, 2022

Thousands of teachers, joined by contingents of firefighters, fellow unionists and others, marched to the governor’s mansion in the U.S. colony of Puerto Rico Feb. 9 to demand higher wages and oppose cuts in pensions. Protesters also denounced a U.S.-imposed…

Puerto Rican actions demand gov’t act to end power blackouts

Vol. 85/No. 41 - November 8, 2021
Thousands in San Juan Oct. 15 protest blackouts, which have grown since control of electric utility was given to U.S-Canadian-owned Luma, deepening imperialist plunder of Puerto Rico.

Thousands took to the streets of San Juan Oct. 15 to demand the Puerto Rican government cancel the obscenely lucrative contract it gave Luma Energy, a privately owned U.S.-Canadian joint venture, to take over the U.S. colony’s electrical transmission and…

Protests demand end to US colonial rule in Puerto Rico

Vol. 85/No. 32 - August 30, 2021
New York City march Aug. 15 protests U.S. colonial rule in Puerto Rico. Actions also took place in several other cities.

NEW YORK — A hundred people marched here Aug. 15 to protest U.S. colonial rule in Puerto Rico. Similar actions were held in Chicago; Detroit; Miami; Oakland, California; Orlando, Florida; and Washington, D.C., under the banner of “No to statehood,…

Puerto Rican truckers win gains in two-day strike

Vol. 85/No. 31 - August 23, 2021

Thousands of independent owner operator truck drivers and some trucking companies ended a two-day work stoppage July 22 after the Puerto Rican government agreed to extend for at least a year a 35% increase in mileage and hauling rates temporarily…

Puerto Rico turns electric grid over to Luma, attacks workers

Vol. 85/No. 28 - July 19, 2021
May 18 protest in San Juan by electrical workers against state privatizing management of public electric company to Luma bosses. Sign says, “Yes to a collective contract! No to Luma!”

On June 1 the government of Puerto Rico handed over management of the breakdown-plagued state-owned electric system to Luma Energy, a U.S.-Canadian joint venture. The electrical workers union, UTIER, and other opponents of the move organized protests across the island…

Calls for Puerto Rico independence fill UN hearing

Vol. 85/No. 27 - July 12, 2021
Participants from June 18 UN hearing on decolonization of Puerto Rico join rally that day called by ProLibertad Freedom Campaign. Theme of protest was, “Solidarity with Puerto Rico and Cuba: Two Wings of One Bird.”

UNITED NATIONS — Nearly 20 speakers from organizations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. testified at a June 18 U.N. decolonization committee hearing, speaking out on the devastating consequences of U.S. colonial rule for the Puerto Rican people. The committee…

Independent truckers in Puerto Rico on strike for rate raise

Vol. 85/No. 26 - July 5, 2021
Camioneros Unidos encampment outside V. Suárez Group warehouse in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Since June 8, truckers have been refusing to make deliveries until they get a rate increase.

“We often have to choose between buying a tire for our trucks and shopping for the basic needs of our families,” truck driver Carlos Schettini told the Militant  by phone from San Juan June 14. “Fuel is going up, the…

‘Workers in US, Puerto Rico face the same enemy’

Vol. 85/No. 26 - July 5, 2021

The U.N. Special Committee on Decolonization held its annual hearing on the status of Puerto Rico June 18, after skipping the previous year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Puerto Rico has been under the boot of Washington as a U.S.…