San Juan paper under fire for promoting anti-Semitic article

Vol. 82/No. 4 - January 29, 2018

The owners and editors of El Nuevo Día — the largest circulation daily in Puerto Rico — came under fire for printing an anti-Semitic article by columnist Wilda Rodríguez Jan. 8 titled, “What Does the ‘Jew’ Want with the Colony?”…

Puerto Rican protests say, ‘Stop abuse of the poor’

Vol. 82/No. 3 - January 22, 2018

“The upper and middle class neighborhoods are getting electricity restored, but most poorer neighborhoods don’t have light,” Rufino Carrión told the Militant by phone Jan. 6 from Gurabo in the center of Puerto Rico. A few days before, Carrión, a pastor at…

Protests in Puerto Rico: 1 million plus still without power

Vol. 82/No. 2 - January 15, 2018
Protests in Puerto Rico: 1 million plus still without power

Anger is rising in the U.S. colony of Puerto Rico over the slow pace of government efforts to restore electricity and other basic necessities more than three months after hurricanes Maria and Irma. The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority admitted…