Cuban embassy attack

Vol. 84/No. 19 - May 18, 2020

WASHINGTON — At least 30 rounds from an AK-47 assault rifle were fired at the Cuban Embassy here April 30 shortly after 2 a.m. Seven people were inside at the time. None were injured. The bullets were sprayed over the…

Demand gov’t-funded public works program to create jobs

Vol. 84/No. 19 - May 18, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party 2020 candidate for president, issued the following statement May 6. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s vice presidential candidate. Working people are finding ways to unite and fight the rulers’ assaults on our jobs, wages…

Demand gov’t-funded public works program to create jobs

Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, released the following call to action April 28. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. Tens of millions of workers have been thrown out of work in the U.S., robbed…

Demand massive gov’t public works program to provide jobs

Vol. 84/No. 17 - May 4, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party 2020 candidate for president, issued the following fighting program April 22. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s vice presidential candidate. The Socialist Workers Party demands the federal government immediately fund a massive public works program to…

SWP candidates campaign, win new readers to extend reach of ‘Militant’

Vol. 84/No. 17 - May 4, 2020
SWP candidates Malcolm Jarrett and Alyson Kennedy with Walmart worker Carlos Branch, center, in Washington, D.C. “Workers need to organize to defend themselves,” Kennedy said.

WASHINGTON — “It shouldn’t take something like this. We were always ‘essential,’” Walmart worker Carlos Branch told the Socialist Workers Party candidates for president and vice president, Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, in the store’s parking lot in Capital Plaza…

Use the bosses’ ‘blood money’ to build SWP

Vol. 84/No. 16 - April 27, 2020

“Enclosed is the ‘blood money’ bribe I got from Walmart for $489.03,” wrote Chris Hoeppner from Philadelphia. “Use the money to build the Socialist Workers Party. They cut hours and are increasing the workload to massively increase their profits and…

Demand gov’t-funded public works program to provide millions of jobs!

Vol. 84/No. 16 - April 27, 2020

Socialist Workers Party 2020 presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy issued this statement April 15 in Washington, D.C. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s vice presidential candidate. As the capitalist rulers debate how fast they can ease up on their shutdown of workplaces…

Demand mass public works program to provide jobs!

Vol. 84/No. 15 - April 20, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party 2020 candidate for U.S. president, issued the following statement April 8. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s 2020 vice presidential candidate. Workers face an urgent need to defend ourselves from the bosses’ assaults today. The only…