Frank Gorton built communist movement in Canada, UK, US

Vol. 84/No. 24 - June 22, 2020
Frank Gorton, far right with bullhorn, was union spokesperson in 1969 demonstration for wage parity between skilled, unskilled workers at Raleigh bike factory in Nottingham, England.

MONTREAL — The political activity and contributions of Frank Gorton, a 56-year cadre of the world communist movement, were celebrated here at a May 31 event sponsored by the Communist League. Gorton dedicated his life to building communist parties in…

Build powerful, disciplined working-class movement!

Vol. 84/No. 23 - June 15, 2020

The following statement was released June 2 by David Rosenfeld, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate in Minnesota. The police killing of George Floyd has been met with outrage and protest throughout Minnesota, across the country and internationally. The…

SWP ‘stimulus’ appeal over $105,000 and growing

Vol. 84/No. 23 - June 15, 2020

In the past week “stimulus” appeal contributions to the Socialist Workers Party reached $105,700 from 94 contributors with 10 new people in the last week. The total continues to grow. “I am so happy to be sending my contribution to…

Cheryl Goertz: 55-year cadre of the Socialist Workers Party

Vol. 84/No. 23 - June 15, 2020
At 1968 Young Socialist Alliance convention Cheryl Goertz has lunch with Ray Dunne, a central leader of Teamsters union battles in Minneapolis in the 1930s and of the SWP.

ATLANTA — A meeting to celebrate the political contributions of Cheryl Goertz, a 55-year cadre of the Socialist Workers Party, was held here May 30. Participants came from Atlanta; Greensboro and Hayesville, North Carolina; Miami and Plant City, Florida; Carrollton,…

Workers’ battles over wages, conditions show way forward

When bosses claim ‘we’re all in this together’ — it’s a lie!
Vol. 84/No. 22 - June 8, 2020
Striking workers picket at Allan Brothers fruit processing plant in Naches, Washington, May 19. Workers are demanding higher wages, job safety, clean water and 40-hour workweek.

Fruit packers in Washington’s Yakima Valley who are striking and protesting for higher wages, safer working conditions and respect, along with owner-operator truck drivers fighting against brokers’ rate-gouging and onerous government regulations are setting an example for working people everywhere.…

Demand jobs! Fight for public works program to create jobs

Vol. 84/No. 22 - June 8, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, issued the following statement May 26. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. The bosses and their governments tell workers “we are all in this together” as they have…