Right of Israel to exist is at the heart of Mideast fights

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018

The recent barrage of Hamas-organized attacks on the Israel-Gaza border, alongside concerted efforts by the counterrevolutionary rulers of Iran to deploy their military forces and Hezbollah allies within striking range of Israel, reflect how the Jewish question is at the…

Protests against school closures in Puerto Rico

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018

Students, parents and teachers protest May 3 against the closing of the Clemente Ramírez de Arellano school in Manatí, Puerto Rico. Many of the signs say, “Enough already.” The closing, one of nearly 300 planned by the island’s colonial government,…

Build, join workers’ protests, win solidarity!

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018
Malcolm Jarrett, center, and Sergio Zambrana, right, joined May 16 mass rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, building teachers’ fight and introducing workers to the Socialist Workers Party. Actions spiked interest in the Militant, books by party leaders and Militant Fighting Fund.

The explosion of strikes and protests by teachers across the country had a big impact on the Socialist Workers Party’s effort to expand the reach of the Militant and books by party leaders, and to raise at least $112,000 for…

New Zealand nurses protest low pay, understaffing

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018
Nurses, hospital workers rally in Auckland, New Zealand, May 12, part of nationwide day of protests against low pay, understaffing, worsening conditions for both workers and patients.

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — More than 700 nurses, other hospital workers and supporters marched here May 12 to protest low pay, understaffing and deteriorating conditions in public health care. “We need more on the floor,” read one hand-written placard, highlighting…

Protests against government attacks spread in Nicaragua

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018
Rally at Rotonda Metrocenter in Managua, Nicaragua, May 20, against attacks on pensioners, students and others by government of President Daniel Ortega that have left dozens dead.

MASAYA, Nicaragua — Thousands rallied here and in cities across the country May 19 to demand the resignation of President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo. In Managua, workers and middle-class layers gathered in peaceful protests on street corners…

Join workers’ struggles, build unions!

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018

Working people — who bear the brunt of the social, economic and moral crisis of capitalism today — are the source of powerful and sorely needed solidarity when we confront the bosses’ assaults. The social movement teachers have drawn around…

Teachers’ protests point way forward for workers

‘We can change things,’ say N. Carolina teachers
Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018
20,000-strong protest May 16 in Raleigh, North Carolina, drew broad working-class solidarity.

RALEIGH, N.C. — “We did it! Who would have thought we could? But we can change things,” Jameel Williams, a teacher from Vance County who joined over 20,000 other teachers, school workers and their supporters to protest at the state…

Fight to win voting rights for ex-prisoners picks up

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018

Workers who’ve been released from prison after serving time on felony charges are leading fights in Florida and other states over regaining the right to vote. Since the capitalist rulers’ criminal “justice” system is racist, Blacks are disproportionately impacted by…

Venezuela toilers face deepening capitalist crisis, US rulers’ anger

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018

Middle-class professionals and workers have been abandoning Venezuela in droves — seeing no way forward in the face of the deepening political and capitalist economic crisis there. As many as 250,000 Venezuelans have crossed the border into Colombia since last…

Judge rejects NYC gov’t moves to overturn verdict against cops

Vol. 82/No. 22 - June 4, 2018

NEW YORK — Carrying out their vow to “take whatever legal steps are necessary” to defend the cops who killed Mohamed Bah, officials in the New York City Law Department are fighting to overturn the civil jury verdict that found…