Protests answer article pushing Jew-hatred in Puerto Rico

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

After a barrage of criticism, El Nuevo Día,Puerto Rico’s largest circulation daily, removed from its website the Jan. 8 anti-Semitic article by columnist Wilda Rodríguez titled “What Does the ‘Jew’ Want With the Colony.” In the column Rodríguez repeated the…

Cuban Revolution brought millions into political action

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

Below is an excerpt from The First and Second Declarations of Havana. Its Spanish-language edition is one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for January. The excerpt is from the preface, written by Mary-Alice Waters, a leader of the Socialist Workers Party…

Workers in Venezuela face challenges in capitalist crisis

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

Workers in Venezuela face growing challenges in the midst of the deepening capitalist economic crisis there, exacerbated by sanctions and other attacks from Washington. Oil production — the country’s main source of hard currency — is at a 28-year low.…

Communist League: Celebrate victory over frame-up!

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

The following statement was released Jan. 21 by John Steele, spokesperson for the Communist League in Canada. Working people across the country and beyond should celebrate the Jan. 19 “not guilty” verdicts in the frame-up trial of locomotive engineer Tom…

Canada rail workers win fight against frame-up

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

SHERBROOKE, Quebec — The rail bosses and federal government were handed a stinging defeat when the three-and-a-half-month frame-up trial of locomotive engineer Tom Harding and train traffic controller Richard Labrie, both members of United Steelworkers Local 1976, and low-level former…

May Day Brigade to Cuba builds in Appalachia

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

Supporters of the Cuban Revolution are getting out the word and signing people up to participate in the 13th annual May Day International Brigade to Cuba from April 23 to May 6. Come see Cuba for yourself! The brigade is…

US rulers’ long record of plunder in Haiti

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

Weeks after revoking Temporary Protected Status for tens of thousands of Haitians living and working in the U.S., the Donald Trump administration barred Haitians from obtaining visas for temporary work in agriculture and other industries Jan. 17. Do these moves…

SWP: Jew-hatred is poison to working class

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

Below is an excerpt on the poison of Jew-hatred in the working class and fights for national liberation from the introduction by Socialist Workers Party leader Norton Sandler to Is Socialist Revolution in the US Possible?Copyright © 2016 by Pathfinder Press.…

Protest Turkish rulers war moves against Syria Kurds

Washington, Moscow give green light to Ankara attack
Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018
Rally in the city of Afrin Jan. 18 protests against Turkish army attacks on the Kurdish region.

The government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan launched a combined air and artillery bombardment and ground invasion of the Kurdish region of Afrin in northwest Syria Jan. 19. The attacks — cynically dubbed Operation Olive Branch — are being…

Puerto Rico teachers union leaders tour New York

Vol. 82/No. 5 - February 5, 2018

NEW YORK — “Puerto Rico has been in crisis since the 1970s, but it has gotten worse since 2006” when the worldwide capitalist economic crisis deepened, Edwin Morales Laboy, vice president of the Puerto Rico Teachers Federation, said at a…