Month: December 2018
‘UK out now!’ Brexit is best terrain for the workers to fight
Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018LONDON — Defying millions of working people who voted for Brexit, Prime Minister Theresa May is pursuing a “deal” — a 585-page opaque document — that will keep the U.K.’s capitalist rulers aligned with the protectionist bloc known as the…
California Camp Fire catastrophe caused by dog-eat-dog capitalism
Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018
A social catastrophe has been visited on working people who live in the Northern California area devastated by the Camp Fire, the deadliest wildfire in the state’s history. At least 88 are dead as of Nov. 26, 203 remain unaccounted…
Big response to win in fight for ex-prisoners’ right to vote
Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018
As the Socialist Workers Party’s eight-week drive to win 1,400 readers of the Militant, sell 1,400 copies of books by party leaders and raise $100,000 for the SWP Party-Building Fund enters its final week, branches of the SWP across the…
SF, Hawaii hotel strikers: ‘One job should be enough!’
Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018SAN FRANCISCO — Hundreds of striking hotel workers, members of the UNITE HERE union, gathered in a steady rain Nov. 23, rallying at downtown Yerba Buena Gardens on Mission Street to show their determination to continue their strike at seven…
Workers seek road forward out of crisis of capitalism
Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018Workers, farmers and young people Socialist Workers Party members talk to are attracted to the strike of Marriott Hotel workers who have popularized the cry “One job should be enough!” Many say, “That’s right, I’m working two jobs myself.” Or,…
Bus drivers in New Zealand beat back lockout, pay raise agreed to
Vol. 82/No. 46 - December 10, 2018
HAMILTON, New Zealand — Union bus drivers were back driving the streets here Nov. 24 after fighting a five-day lockout by the Go Bus company. The First Union announced that Go Bus and the city government had agreed to a…