Join the Socialist Workers Party campaign!

Vol. 83/No. 8 - February 25, 2019

The following statement was issued Feb. 13 by Osborne Hart, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor in Philadelphia. When President Donald Trump declared “America will never be a socialist country,” he was referring to the “socialism” presented today by Democrats…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 83/No. 8 - February 25, 2019

February 28, 1994 The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s decision to lift a moratorium on farm foreclosures will deal a devastating blow to thousands of working farmers. The labor movement should speak out against this move to protect the profits of…

Working people respond with solidarity after Havana tornado

Cuban gov’t, mass organizations lead recovery work
Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019
Top, student volunteers join construction workers mixing cement Feb. 2, part of efforts to repair polyclinic damaged by tornado in Havana’s Diez de Octubre district. Below, string quartet plays in Diez de Octubre in Havana. It was one of many musical groups, artists, clowns and magicians who have performed in the storm-ravaged neighborhood in solidarity with working people there.

BY JONATHAN SILBERMAN MARTÍN KOPPEL AND RÓGER CALERO HAVANA —After a tornado ripped through the Cuban capital Jan. 27, wreaking serious damage in several of the poorest working-class neighborhoods here, the government, mass organizations and working people across the city…

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019

February 21, 1994 LOS ANGELES — Congress dealt a blow to democratic and human rights when it voted to curb disaster aid for undocumented immigrant victims of the earthquake here. The measure, an amendment to an earthquake relief bill, was…

‘There’s a revolution going on, a worldwide revolution’

Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019
Malcolm X speaks to young civil rights fighters in Selma, Alabama, Feb. 4, 1965. In last weeks of his life, Malcolm spoke increasingly as a revolutionary leader of the entire working class.

The excerpt below is from  February 1965: The Final Speeches, by Malcolm X, one of Pathfinder’s Books of the Month for February. It is from the speech “There’s a Worldwide Revolution Going On” given in Harlem, New York, Feb. 15.…

Join Socialist Workers Party campaign!

Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019

Seth Galinsky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City Public Advocate, released this statement Feb. 6. Galinsky had just returned from two days campaigning door to door and farm to farm in upstate New York.  All you have to…


Vol. 83/No. 7 - February 18, 2019

Donate with click of the mouse Thank you for your article on the Militant  winter special appeal in the Feb. 11 issue. I appreciate your contrast of how the Militant, published in the interests of working people, is financed by…

US hands off Venezuela! Stop threats against Cuba!

Vol. 83/No. 6 - February 11, 2019

The following statement was released by Seth Galinsky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New York City Public Advocate, Jan. 30. The U.S. government — backed by Democrats and Republicans alike — has unilaterally declared the government of Nicolás Maduro in…

Cuban leader pays tribute to José Ramón Fernández

Vol. 83/No. 6 - February 11, 2019
Above, José Ramón Fernández, left, leading Cuban forces against April 1961 U.S.-organized Bay of Pigs invasion. Behind him, revolutionary soldiers aid captured mercenary. Fernández carried out many responsibilities from training first militia battalions to helping transform education system. Left, José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary of Communist Party of Cuba, speaking at tribute to Fernández. Machado was medical doctor and combatant of Rebel Army during revolutionary war that overthrew Batista dictatorship in 1959.

Speech by José Ramón Machado Ventura, second secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, at memorial tribute to José Ramón Fernández in Havana, Jan. 8. Family members present included Asela de los Santos, Fernández’s lifelong companion. The translation and breakers…

‘Amnesty for immigrants is key question for working-class unity’

New book discusses why it’s vital to build labor movement that fights for interests of all workers
Vol. 83/No. 6 - February 11, 2019
Rally in O’Neill, Nebraska, Aug. 8, 2018, protesting arrest and deportation of workers without papers at nearby factories and farms. The source of anti-immigrant prejudice is not the working class, Róger Calero notes, but the bosses, who benefit from discrimination.

In Defense of the US Working Class, by Mary-Alice Waters, is now off the presses. It features the talk by Waters at an April 24-26, 2018, international conference in Havana organized by the Cuban History Institute and the Central Organization…