Panama actions protest soaring prices, lack of jobs

Vol. 86/No. 29 - August 8, 2022

In the largest sustained protests in decades, workers, students, members of Indigenous groups and others have taken to the streets in Panama demanding government action against rising food and fuel prices and joblessness, and opposing the propertied rulers’ indifference to…

Workers need a program to fight high prices and unemployment

Vol. 86/No. 28 - August 1, 2022

Soaring inflation over the past year and a half is battering the lives of millions of working people worldwide. Combined with the impact of the capitalist crisis on jobs, price hikes are making it increasingly difficult for workers to keep…

Join efforts to expand reach of ‘Militant,’ SWP campaign

Vol. 86/No. 28 - August 1, 2022
Rachele Fruit, left, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Florida governor, introduced Militant to Christine Rotondo and Grace, her daughter, at Ft. Lauderdale women’s rights action July 13.

“I need this paper,” school teacher Juawana Kinnard told Socialist Workers Party member Anthony Dutrow as they sat on her porch in Cincinnati and she signed up to renew her Militant  subscription July 8.  “All the other news I see…

Dutch farmers protest gov’t moves to cut their herds

Vol. 86/No. 26 - July 18, 2022

Thousands of farmers driving their tractors demonstrated June 22 in central Netherlands protesting government plans to compel them to reduce their livestock herds by 30%, forcing the scaling back or closing of a number of farms. Traffic came to a…

SWP builds support for rail union fights, seeks ballot in Philadelphia

Vol. 86/No. 26 - July 18, 2022
SWP U.S. Senate candidate Osborne Hart, right, talks with James Shabazz in Philadelphia June 24 at start of campaign to get 2,000 signatures to place Chris Hoeppner on ballot for Congress.

Socialist Workers Party members are discussing the roots of the capitalist crises working people face today and what we can do together to defend ourselves. As they present the party’s program widely among workers and farmers they’re getting a good…

Patrice Lumumba and the independence fight in the Congo

Vol. 86/No. 26 - July 18, 2022
Independence leader and former prime minister of Congo, Patrice Lumumba, right, with aides after their arrest in late 1960. He was executed Jan. 17, 1961, by U.S.-backed Congolese forces.

Sixty-one years after African anti-imperialist independence fighter Patrice Lumumba was assassinated, a gold-crowned tooth, the only part of his body that exists, was buried in a state funeral in the Democratic Republic of the Congo June 30. The date marked…

Expand use of nuclear power for world energy needs

Vol. 86/No. 25 - July 11, 2022

For all their pious talk about the climate crisis and the need to end the use of fossil fuels, most capitalist rulers worldwide, as well as middle-class environmental groups, oppose much-needed steps to expand the use of nuclear power. This…

NYC gov’t seeks to keep people using drugs, reap tax bonanza

Vol. 86/No. 24 - July 4, 2022

Opioid overdoses ravaging cities and rural areas alike killed nearly 110,000 people in the U.S. last year. And increasing numbers of state governments are legalizing and seeking to profit off the sale of marijuana. At the Cannabis World Congress and…