Pharma bosses, US gov’t fight over patents, millions lack vaccines

Vol. 86/No. 2 - January 17, 2022
Striking sanitation workers picket Republic Services in Chula Vista, California, Dec. 29. Union fight to get workers vaccinated would strengthen labor and struggles against bosses’ attacks.

“All working people should get vaccinated, including getting booster shots. This is in the interests of strengthening the unity and fighting capacity of the working class,” said John Studer, Socialist Workers Party national campaign director, Jan. 5. “Our unions must…

2021: Strikes, solidarity heat up the class struggle

Workers use their unions to fight boss attacks
Vol. 86/No. 1 - January 3, 2022
Nabisco strike support rally in Chicago Sept. 4. Issues raised by strikers, from fighting divisive two-tier wages to need for automatic cost-of-living clauses, are important for all workers.

“The concession stand is closed,” United Steelworkers union members told the Militant on the picket lines during their three-month strike against Allegheny Technologies Inc. earlier this year, showing their determination to take on the bosses’ unrelenting drive against our unity,…

Washington fights for military superiority in space over rivals

Vol. 85/No. 47 - December 20, 2021
U.S. rulers are developing hypersonic missiles, high speed maneuverable weapons, in arms race with Beijing and Moscow, who are testing similar weaponry. Washington is pushing to gain the upper hand in the militarization of space as U.S. rulers prepare for future wars.

The U.S. capitalist rulers foresee a future of wars and revolutions, and have been taking bipartisan steps to prepare to defend and advance their weakened, but still dominant, place at the top of the imperialist world pecking order. Just in…

Workers control over production key to defense of land and labor

Vol. 85/No. 45 - December 6, 2021
Capitalist ruling class controls production, and is responsible for degradation of environment and unsafe working conditions. Above, coal miners 1969 march in Charleston, West Virginia, as they fought for control over mine conditions and black lung benefits during hard-fought strike.

Set up as a platform for over 190 heads of state — and thousands of corporate CEOs, nongovernment organizations and other hangers on — the United Nations climate change summit was no more successful than any of its 25 earlier…

Rebuff by working people, 2021 losses fuel divisions in Democratic Party

Vol. 85/No. 44 - November 29, 2021
Deepening capitalist crisis is behind increased labor actions. Striking bakery workers, members of BCTGM Local 374G, picket Kellogg’s cereal plant in East Hempfield, Pennsylvania, Oct. 30.

Frictions and acrimony roiling the Democratic Party — between so-called moderates like Sen. Joe Manchin from West Virginia, “progressives” like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton, and liberals and socialist Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — are exacerbated by the party’s 2021…

John Deere strikers vote on third contract offer

Vol. 85/No. 44 - November 29, 2021

Over 10,000 striking members of the United Auto Workers union at John Deere are voting Nov. 17 on a third company contract offer recommended by union officials. Workers struck the company’s 12 plants Oct. 14, rejecting a contract that expanded…

What do the 2021 election results mean for the US working class?

Vol. 85/No. 43 - November 22, 2021
Doug Nelson, SWP candidate for Minneapolis mayor, right, at rally against U.S. Cuba embargo July 15. SWP candidates built support for union fights, offered road forward for working class.

The 2021 elections registered a sharp rejection of the anti-working-class politics of the liberal and middle-class socialist wing of the Democratic Party by workers and farmers across the country. From “defund the cops” referendums in Minneapolis and Seattle to the…

Marches, strikes protest coup, call for end to military rule in Sudan

Vol. 85/No. 42 - November 15, 2021
Protesters in London, Oct. 30, join in solidarity with hundreds of thousands who marched in Sudan to demand overthrow of military coup carried out a week earlier. “We have lived under these conditions for generations,” said Randa Ahmad-Hassan at the demonstration.

Carrying banners saying “No to military rule,” hundreds of thousands marched through the streets of Khartoum and other cities across Sudan Oct. 30, demanding the military coup carried out a week earlier be overturned. Solidarity protests were held the same…