Join fight to defend political rights in Washington state

Fight wins public support, fund goes over $20,000
Vol. 84/No. 45 - November 16, 2020
SWP presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy at Naches, Wash., Nov. 2 commemoration of worker David Cruz, who died of COVID. Trabajadores Unidos por la Justicia union is fighting for safety at packinghouses. Defending political rights of SWP is also defense of union rights.

AS WE GO TO PRESS the Socialist Workers Party received notice from its attorneys in Seattle that the first round in the fight to prevent the state from disclosing the names and addresses of its presidential electors has been won.…

Whoever’s in the White House, workers need to fight for jobs

Vol. 84/No. 45 - November 16, 2020

The following statement is based on the talk given by Alyson Kennedy, SWP candidate for president, in Seattle Oct. 30. Her running mate was Malcolm Jarrett. As we go to press, the results of the presidential election are not settled.…

SWP campaign to win readers expands reach of the ‘Militant’

Vol. 84/No. 45 - November 16, 2020

The presidential election is over, but the necessity for working people organizing to defend our own interests and learning about how others are doing so and have fought successfully in the past, remains. Socialist Workers Party members are winning new…

Vote Socialist Workers Party!

For a shorter workweek with no cut in pay to stop layoffs
Vol. 84/No. 44 - November 9, 2020
SWP presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy brings solidarity to Teamsters on strike at DSI Tunneling in Louisville, Kentucky, Oct. 22.

As the Nov. 3 election draws near, and liberals’ hysteria about the possibility that Donald Trump could be reelected reaches a fever pitch, it’s clearer than ever that neither the Democrats nor Republicans offer any way forward for working people.…

Workers need a labor party, to fight for our own interests

Vol. 84/No. 44 - November 9, 2020

This statement was issued Oct. 27 by Socialist Workers Party candidates for president and vice president, Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett. Vote for the Socialist Workers Party! We are the only party offering working people a way to defend ourselves…

SWP campaign wages fight for political rights in Washington

Vol. 84/No. 44 - November 9, 2020

Once again, the Socialist Workers Party and its presidential ticket — this year, Alyson Kennedy for president and Malcolm Jarrett for vice president — are setting an example for all working people in defense of political rights and free expression.…