Join campaign to expand the reach of the ‘Militant’

Vol. 84/No. 44 - November 9, 2020
SWP candidate for president Alyson Kennedy, and Samir Hazboun, left, party’s candidate for Congress in Kentucky’s 3rd District, talk with worker at JBS packing plant in Louisville Oct. 23.

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Socialist Workers Party campaigners are taking advantage of the final days before the Nov. 3 election to discuss with working people what we can do together to change the conditions we face, build support for the party’s…

Nigerian army attacks protest against brutal SARS cop unit

Vol. 84/No. 44 - November 9, 2020
Oct. 20 protest in Lagos, Nigeria. Later that day army attacked protesters, killing at least 10.

“First they started shooting in the air, so we said, keep sitting on the ground, wave your flags, sing the national anthem — they are military, they won’t shoot you if you are waving a Nigerian flag,” protester Famade Ayodeji…

Determination to bring down regime fuels months of protests in Belarus

Vol. 84/No. 43 - November 2, 2020
Retirees at Minsk, Belarus, Oct. 19 “March of Wisdom” demand resignation of dictator Alexander Lukashenko. They chant, “Our will cannot be broken” and “We can! We will win!”

Despite a threat by the government to use live ammunition against demonstrators, some 50,000 marched in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, Oct. 18. Many thousands more rallied in cities across the country demanding President Alexander Lukashenko step down, and in…

Workers need our own party, a labor party!

Bosses drive to make workers pay for crisis of capitalism
Vol. 84/No. 43 - November 2, 2020
UNITE HERE Local 5 and Hawaii Nurses and Healthcare Professionals workers at Kaiser Wailuku in Hawaii rally in mid-October, protest boss plans to close departments, cut workers.

Whichever capitalist political party wins the presidency Nov. 3 — the Democrats with Joseph Biden or Republicans with Donald Trump — tens of millions of workers are going to face the same deep economic, and moral crisis the day after…

For a shorter workweek with no cut in pay to stop layoffs

Vol. 84/No. 43 - November 2, 2020

This statement was released by Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy Oct. 22. The pressing need for working people to join together to fight the impact of an unprecedented economic and social crisis caused by the dog-eat-dog capitalist system…

Vote Socialist Workers Party! Expand reach of ‘Militant’

Vol. 84/No. 43 - November 2, 2020
Cab driver Abekuya talks with SWP vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett Oct. 15. Uber, Lyft, taxi drivers need to organize a union to fight for higher wages, better conditions, Jarrett says.

NEW YORK — “Over the next 16 days the Socialist Workers Party presidential ticket and its 23 other candidates will boldly present a revolutionary working-class platform as we reach out to workers and other exploited producers,” Alyson Kennedy, the party’s…

Nigeria rulers face growing protests against brutal cop units

Vol. 84/No. 43 - November 2, 2020
Tens of thousands of workers and youth have demonstrated in October across Nigeria to demand government’s repressive SARS police unit be dissolved. Above, Oct. 11 rally in Lagos.

Tens of thousands of workers and youth have protested against police brutality in more than 100 cities across Nigeria since Oct. 8. From Lagos to rural areas, demonstrators are demanding that the Special Anti-Robbery Squad of the Nigerian cops be…

Workers need a labor party to fight for all working people

Vol. 84/No. 42 - October 26, 2020
“Let me shake your hand,” Melinda Swartz, in Sharon, Pennsylvania, told SWP vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett, left, and David Ferguson, the party’s candidate for 18th Congressional District in Pennsylvania, Oct. 9, after learning workers can vote for SWP instead of Donald Trump or Joe Biden. “Workers need our own party, a labor party,” Jarrett said.

SHARON, Penn. — “You say you’re different from Joe Biden or Donald Trump, let me shake your hand,” Melinda Swartz, a worker at a stamping mill here, told Malcolm Jarrett, Socialist Workers Party candidate for vice president, and Dave Ferguson,…

Fight against rulers’ attacks on workers’ health, wages

Vol. 84/No. 42 - October 26, 2020

This statement was released by Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, Oct. 14. Working people need to join together to fight for protection from the impact of the spreading capitalist social and economic crisis and to use all…