Working people hold May Day celebrations all across Cuba

Vol. 84/No. 19 - May 18, 2020

The million-strong international workers May Day parade in Havana and similar ones across Cuba did not take place this year, a decision made by the revolutionary government in the context of the worldwide coronavirus outbreak. But workers and farmers  are…

Fight grows to overturn ban on the ‘Militant’ in Florida prisons

Vol. 84/No. 19 - May 18, 2020

“The prison officials are targeting the Militant because of its political viewpoints,” wrote the paper’s attorney, David Goldstein, in an appeal filed with the Florida Department of Corrections’ Literature Review Committee May 1. This is “in violation of the First…

Demand gov’t-funded public works program to create jobs

Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020

Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for president, released the following call to action April 28. Malcolm Jarrett is the party’s candidate for vice president. Tens of millions of workers have been thrown out of work in the U.S., robbed…

Calif. caravan says, ‘Charge cops who shot Steven Taylor’

Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020

OAKLAND, Calif. — Supporters of the Socialist Workers Party campaign of Joel Britton for U.S. Congress here are widely circulating his statement demanding the arrest and prosecution of the San Leandro cops who shot and killed Steven Taylor inside the…

Protests challenge Polish gov’t moves to outlaw all abortions

Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020
April 16 action in Warsaw against bill that would ban women’s ability to choose an abortion

The protest line was long across the street from the parliament building in Warsaw, Poland’s capital, April 15. Most of those lined up were women dressed in black from head to foot. They all wore face masks and stood six…

Join drive to expand reach of the ‘Militant’, SWP 2020 campaign

Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020
Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate Alyson Kennedy, left, and vice presidential candidate Malcolm Jarrett, right, speak with Walmart worker Otis Bullock in Philadelphia.

“Workers joining together to fight — that’s a union,” explained Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate in a discussion April 22 with Otis Bullock at a Pennsylvania Walmart store parking lot where he works. “Yes, workers need a foundation…

‘The Militant is being banned, yet again, in a Florida prison’

Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020

“The Militant  newspaper is being suppressed, yet again, in a Florida prison,” National Lawyers Guild President Elena Cohen wrote to the state’s Department of Corrections Literature Review Committee — urging it to overturn the latest ban on the paper. “The…

Fight for jobs! Organize to defend wages, job safety!

Workers main problem today is capitalism, not ‘the virus’
Vol. 84/No. 18 - May 11, 2020
Factory, textile and garment workers demonstrate in Karachi, Pakistan, April 18, demanding end to firings by bosses, for payment of wages for workers at plants that are shut down.

Tens of millions of working people in the U.S. and many millions worldwide have been thrown out of work through lockdowns imposed by capitalist governments, shutting factories, transportation, retail outlets, hotels, restaurants and more. The key problem facing workers today…

Put workers back to work! Fight for jobs, no wage cuts!

Bosses seek to make workers pay for today’s capitalist crisis
Vol. 84/No. 17 - May 4, 2020
Miami hotel, restaurant workers idled by government shutdown joined union car caravan April 19 to protest unemployment pay delays. “The system doesn’t work,” Ines Santiesteban said.

Growing numbers of workers and farmers are facing conditions that make it crystal clear our main problem today is the rulers’ deep shutdown of the economy and the massive loss of jobs it has caused. Tens of millions are thrown…