UFCW union local says ‘No!’ to any prison ban of ‘Militant’

Vol. 83/No. 41 - November 11, 2019

“While you can imprison the person, you cannot imprison their mind,” United Food and Commercial Workers Local 770 President John Grant wrote Florida prison officials Oct. 16. “We call on you to do the right thing and respect the constitutional…

After 40-day strike GM workers approve contract

Discussion continues on fight to end wage tiers
Vol. 83/No. 41 - November 11, 2019
GM workers gained confidence during the strike, standing together and building unity in fight for equal pay for equal work. Above, Sept. 18 UAW picket at Detroit-Hamtramck plant.

SPRING HILL, Tenn. — Some 49,000 United Auto Workers members are back at work at General Motors after approving a new four-year contract 57% to 43%. The discussion among workers continues on what was accomplished in the 40-day strike, and…

Back strikers’ fight against copper bosses’ union busting

Vol. 83/No. 41 - November 11, 2019

AMARILLO, Texas — Two weeks into the strike by more than 1,700 Asarco copper workers in Arizona and Texas, the bosses have refused to negotiate with the seven unions there, claiming they won’t meet until Nov. 14. It looks like…

SWP drive to sell books to explain party, its program

Vol. 83/No. 41 - November 11, 2019

Socialist Workers Party members and supporters in Chicago have been taking the Militant  and books by SWP leaders and other working-class revolutionaries to workers at GM strike picket lines and some other large United Auto Workers-organized plants in the area.…

Support strikers at GM, Mack Truck, Asarco mines

Asarco miners fight against bosses’ union-busting drive
Vol. 83/No. 40 - November 4, 2019
Copper workers rally at Asarco Mission mine in Sahuarita, Arizona, Oct. 19. Mine bosses are demanding workers quit union, cross picket lines in important fight in Arizona, Texas.

KEARNY, Ariz. — A battle is unfolding here in the face of the attempt by the Asarco copper bosses to break the strike that began Oct. 13 by almost 2,000 members of the United Steelworkers, Teamsters and seven other unions…

Strikers: ‘All Mack Truck cares about is profits’

Vol. 83/No. 40 - November 4, 2019
Mack Truck strikers rally in Macungie, Pennsylvania, Oct. 20, part of 3,600 out on strike. “The company just thinks about profits,” said striker Steve Gerhard. “The union is our fraternity.”

MACUNGIE, Penn. — More than 3,600 United Auto Workers members on strike at Mack Truck plants in five cities are standing up to the bosses’ steep concession contract demands. Sweden-based Volvo Group owns Mack. They went on strike Oct. 13…

Liberals drive to oust Trump built on fear of working class

Vol. 83/No. 40 - November 4, 2019

The announcement of first one and then two nameless CIA agents with “evidence” that President Donald Trump should be removed from office was greeted with fervor by Democrats trying to ensure they don’t have to run against Trump in the…

Militant, books drive advances solidarity with union battles

Vol. 83/No. 40 - November 4, 2019
Communist League campaign supporter Amelie Lanteigne, right, introduces Militant to Michelle Guay in Beloeil, Quebec, Oct. 19. Guay said she backs Steelworkers strike at Galvano plant.

Socialist Workers Party members and supporters have been taking the Militant to workers on strike at Mack Truck, Asarco and General Motors and building support for these fights through taking news of these class battles door to door to working…

Mass protests in Lebanon unite toilers in fight to bring down gov’t

Vol. 83/No. 40 - November 4, 2019
Oct. 22 protest in Tripoli, Lebanon. Beginning to overcome sectarian and religious divisions, thousands have been protesting across the country against government’s “austerity” assault.

The wars and political conflicts among capitalist rulers competing to advance their national interests, including the Turkish rulers’ invasion in northeast Syria to assault the Kurds, continue to bear down on working people in the Middle East. Hundreds of thousands…

Oberlin appeals court victory by bakery in college’s smear campaign

Vol. 83/No. 40 - November 4, 2019

Oberlin College’s administration is stepping up its campaign to reverse a victory for working people against class privilege and slanderous race-baiting. The Board of Trustees announced Oct. 8 it was filing an appeal against the jury verdict that led to…