Latest fighting shows need for recognition of Israel, Palestine

Vol. 83/No. 20 - May 20, 2019
Cement factory in Ashkelon, southern Israel, struck by missiles May 5. Three Israelis were killed in the attack, including a Bedouin worker at the factory. Deadly barrage launched by Tehran-backed Hamas and Islamic Jihad and brutal retaliation from Tel Aviv highlight necessity of immediate talks to recognize both Israel and an independent Palestinian state.

A new tenuous cease-fire agreement between the Israeli government and Gaza-based Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad does nothing to eliminate the unending cycle of violence by groups in the Gaza Strip committed to the destruction of Israel and Israel’s capitalist…

One of 3 Florida prison bans on ‘Militant’ overturned, two to go

Vol. 83/No. 20 - May 20, 2019
Militant   is appealing Florida prison ban on two issues of paper, including issue at left with article on tour of Albert Woodfox, who spent nearly 44 years in solitary confinement. Above, New Orleans Public Library meeting to hear Woodfox, March 20.

One of three Florida prison officials’ bans against the Militant has been overturned. The statewide Literature Review Committee reversed the ban of the Militant’s March 25 issue and says it will deliver it to the paper’s 53 subscribers in 25…

‘Working people have nothing to gain from the US rulers’ wars’

Vol. 83/No. 20 - May 20, 2019
Donkinna Hightower, a skycap at Atlanta airport, speaks with SWP member Janice Lynn as she went door to door with Militant and revolutionary books in Jonesboro, Georgia.

“U.S. troops wouldn’t help people in Venezuela,” temp worker Patricia Flores told socialist campaigner Dean Hazlewood when he showed her the call to action in the Militant — “US Hands Off Venezuela! US Hands Off Cuba!” They met when he…

Join the fight to overturn Florida prison censorship of the ‘Militant’

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019

After months of noninterference, Florida prison authorities have banned three issues of the Militant since April 12, violating the constitutional rights of both the socialist newsweekly and its readers behind bars. The jailers falsely charged that each of the issues…

As Beijing and Washington talk trade deal, rivalry deepens

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019

For over a year, punishing tariffs by Washington, and Beijing’s tit-for-tat levies on U.S. products have roiled world trade. Now talks between the two governments point to a possible accommodation reflecting the relationship of forces between the two powers, at…

US hands off Venezuela! US hands off Cuba!

Washington steps up its war threats, as coup attempt fails
Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019
Hundreds of thousands of people march during May Day rally in Havana to protest U.S. threats. Banner says, “Unity, Commitment and Victory.”

In the aftermath of a failed U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela, packaged as an “uprising” by pro-imperialist opposition figure Juan Guaidó, Washington is stepping up threats against revolutionary Cuba. The Socialist Workers Party has issued a call to action, urging working…

NY Workers Memorial Day: No one needs to die on the job

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019

NEW YORK — “I’m going to fall!” 51-year-old Nelson Salinas yelled as he clung to a scaffold suspended seven stories high against a building in midtown Manhattan April 8. He had been hit in the head by a falling stone…

May 1 actions demand driver’s licenses, amnesty for immigrants

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019
Marchers in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, chanted “Licenses yes, promises no” on May Day. Handmade signs were everywhere. For many it was their first time joining a protest action.

PERTH AMBOY, N.J. — More than 250 people from across the state — including construction, restaurant and factory workers and small-business people — marched here May 1 to demand driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants. Sponsored by Cosecha, it was one…

Workers at Stop & Shop end strike, discuss results

31,000 grocery workers won broad solidarity
Vol. 83/No. 18 - May 6, 2019
Workers picket Stop & Shop in Bridgeport, Connecticut, April 20. Strike took on company moves to widen divisions between full- and part-time workers, hike health insurance costs.

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. — The 11-day strike by some 31,000 workers at 240 Stop & Shop stores in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island ended April 22 following the announcement of a tentative agreement between company bosses and the United Food and…