SWP wins a hearing in Kentucky coal country

Vol. 83/No. 3 - January 21, 2019
Amy Husk, left, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Kentucky governor, talks with Martha Blair on her doorstep in Whitesburg, Kentucky, Jan. 4, about party’s campaign and upcoming May Day Brigade to Cuba. Blair said she was interested in working on both.

WHITESBURG, Ky. — Socialist Workers Party candidates and members are talking with working people in big cities, small towns and farming areas across the country. Everywhere they go they knock on doors and introduce the party, its program, the Militant …

US, Chinese rulers’ trade talks continue amid rivalry

Vol. 83/No. 3 - January 21, 2019
College students hold banners in solidarity with workers arrested for fighting for independent union in Shenzhen, China, in August 2018. Labor protests are growing throughout country.

U.S. and Chinese officials met in Beijing Jan. 7-9 for negotiations over the trade dispute between the rulers of the world’s first and second largest economies. These are the first announced talks since President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi…

Reader points in right direction

Vol. 83/No. 2 - January 14, 2019

I believe that the article in the Jan, 7, 2019, issue of the Militant  titled “Walmart Worker Hits Bosses’ Abuses Over Intercom” did not belong in the On the Picket Line column. The article describes how a worker used the…

Join Socialist Workers Party 2019 campaign!

SWP candidates are ‘tribunes of the people’
Vol. 83/No. 2 - January 14, 2019
Alyson Kennedy, SWP candidate for Dallas mayor, speaks with Dakotah Luster Dec. 30. “Democrats and Republicans are parties of the bosses,” she said. “We need our own party.”

The Socialist Workers Party has announced plans to run candidates for more than a dozen municipal and state offices across the country in 2019, including in Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington. They will…

US troops out of Middle East, Afghanistan now!

Vol. 83/No. 2 - January 14, 2019

The following statement was issued Jan. 2 by Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Dallas mayor. The Socialist Workers Party demands the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of U.S. troops, bombers and warships from the Middle East and Afghanistan! The…

Judge affirms Chicago cops used torture in frame-up case

Vol. 83/No. 2 - January 14, 2019

CHICAGO — More than 28 years after his conviction for a double murder he didn’t commit, and over eight years after the Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission ruled that Chicago cops had tortured him into making a false confession,…

SWP members gear up to take Militant, books door to door

Vol. 83/No. 2 - January 14, 2019
Luis Antonio, an unemployed mechanic, talks with SWP members Lea Sherman and John Staggs, right, in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Dec. 19. “Every politician in this political system is corrupted by big business and the only way to change this is to make a revolution,” Antonio said.

Members of the Socialist Workers Party are starting the new year with a bang, organizing teams to take the party, its program and its support for working-class struggle to working people on their doorsteps. They are traveling to cities small…

Trump plan to draw down troops in Syria, Afghanistan stirs debate

Vol. 83/No. 2 - January 14, 2019
Syrian child in refugee camp, in Lebanon, 2014. Yearslong war grew out of Syrian dictatorship’s brutal assault on popular rebellion, and interventions by Washington, Tehran, Moscow and other capitalist powers, leading to over 400,000 killed and millions driven from their homes.

President Donald Trump announced plans Dec. 19 to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and cut by nearly half Washington’s forces in Afghanistan. The decision galvanized some in his administration,  and pro-war liberal Democrats and Republicans alike, into calling for the…

‘Yellow vest’ protests force gov’t concessions

Actions show need for unity of workers, rural poor
Vol. 83/No. 1 - January 7, 2019
Dec. 15 yellow vest protest in Lyons, France, part of nationwide actions. “I never thought we’d be doing this,” bus driver Sylvie Orquin told Militant at traffic circle protest in Normandy.

FORGES-LES-EAUX, Normandy, France — “Yellow vest” demonstrations across France were smaller on Saturday, Dec. 15 after further government concessions. President Emmanuel Macron is hoping this, combined with massive police deployments, will put an end to the nationwide protests by workers…