Join in denouncing Jew-hatred, a deadly threat to working class

Vol. 82/No. 42 - November 12, 2018
Overflow crowd at Pittsburgh vigil called by students at Taylor Allderdice High School Oct. 27.

This statement by Osborne Hart, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania, was released in Pittsburgh Oct. 28. The Socialist Workers Party condemns the anti-Semitic assault and killing of 11 Jews at the Tree of Life synagogue in…

Tens of thousands protest anti-Semitic assault, killings

Vol. 82/No. 42 - November 12, 2018

PITTSBURGH — Tens of thousands of people coast to coast — and around the world — attended vigils and other gatherings to protest the Oct. 27 murder of 11 Jews by ultra-rightist Robert Bowers at the Tree of Life synagogue…

US capitalist rulers seek bloc against Tehran amid Middle East rivalries

Vol. 82/No. 42 - November 12, 2018
Protest in Mashhad, Iran, last December against living conditions and mounting deaths from Tehran’s military intervention in Syria and Iraq. Protests spread to 90 other cities and towns.

Longstanding rifts between the capitalist rulers of Saudi Arabia and Turkey have been further exposed following the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, an Islamist opponent of the Saudi government, inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. The U.S. rulers are determined to…

Build the unions! Working people need our own party!

SWP campaigns pose road to unite workers in struggle
Vol. 82/No. 41 - November 5, 2018
Laura Garza, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of California, walks hotel workers’ strike picket line outside Oakland Marriott City Center with striker Jason Russell Oct. 20.

NEW YORK — “Workers need to have unions to defend ourselves from the bosses, organize solidarity with others involved in labor and social struggles, and unite the working class,” Róger Calero, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of New York,…

Back striking hotel workers: ‘One job ought to be enough’

Vol. 82/No. 41 - November 5, 2018
Some 1,000 members of UNITE HERE on strike against Marriott hotels and supporters march in San Francisco Oct. 20 demanding guaranteed hours, affordable health care and higher pay.

SAN FRANCISCO — Chants of “One job should be enough” and “What do we want — contract!” echoed through the streets as over 1,000 hotel workers marched here Oct. 20, stopping outside four of the seven Marriott hotels where workers…

‘The power of workers is in their sticking together’

Vol. 82/No. 41 - November 5, 2018
“I remember you,” retired coal miner Jake Westerfield told SWP member Jacquie Henderson when she knocked on his door in Beaver Dam, Kentucky. They met at a union protest in Ohio.

“I know you!” retired coal miner Jake Westerfield told Socialist Workers Party member Jacquie Henderson when she and Steve Packard knocked on his door Oct. 20 in Beaver Dam, a town of 3,500 in a coal mining region 100 miles…

Demand amnesty for all immigrants in the US!

Vol. 82/No. 41 - November 5, 2018

The following statement was released Oct. 24 by Róger Calero, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of New York. The capitalist economic crisis is taking a heavy toll on workers around the world. And the imperialist plunder of the semicolonial…