‘Militant’ builds opposition to Moscow’s war, wins readers

Vol. 86/No. 20 - May 23, 2022

The stakes for working people in defeating Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine are at the center of discussions Socialist Workers Party members and supporters are having as they head into the final days of the international drive to win new readers…

Capitalist crisis stokes inflation, as bosses rake in record profits

Vol. 86/No. 20 - May 23, 2022

In recent weeks U.S. bosses have been posting record profits, 35% above the year before. “The numbers are in” an article in Bloomberg boasts, “2021 was the most profitable year for American corporations since 1950.” While working people struggle to…

15,000 construction workers strike in Ontario, in fight for wage increase

Vol. 86/No. 20 - May 23, 2022

Over 15,000 Ontario construction workers went on strike May 1, paralyzing the high- and low-rise home-building industry across the Canadian province. The central issue is the need for adequate wage increases to deal with the impact of skyrocketing inflation on…

Moscow out of Ukraine now! Defend Ukraine independence!

For solidarity of workers in Ukraine, Russia against Putin’s war
Vol. 86/No. 20 - May 23, 2022
Familiares de soldados ucranianos atrapados en planta de acero en Mariúpol por fuerzas rusas protestan en Cherkasy, exigen su evacuación tras meses de resistencia a invasión, 6 de mayo.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his speech at the annual May 9 display of military force in Moscow on the anniversary of the defeat of Germany in the Second World War. He didn’t admit the defeats that Russian forces have…

Workers rally in over 35 US cities on Int’l Workers Day

Vol. 86/No. 19 - May 16, 2022
Washington, D.C., participants in May Day march.

NEW YORK — Working people joined together in protests in more than 35 cities across the U.S. on International Workers Day May 1. Many of the actions — which ranged from a couple hundred to a few thousand — drew…

Defend Ukraine independence!
Moscow out of all of Ukraine!

Workers in Russia, Belarus protest Moscow’s war
Vol. 86/No. 19 - May 16, 2022
April 30 “Life will win” concert in Dnipro, Ukraine, subway station to celebrate fight against Moscow’s invasion, express defiance. Many from harder-hit towns have taken refuge there.

Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine continues to face courageous resistance from the Ukrainian people, who are determined to prevent Russian forces from conquering their country and to win back the territory Moscow has already seized. Russian forces continue pounding cities across…

Wide interest in ‘Militant,’ SWP at May Day protests

Vol. 86/No. 19 - May 16, 2022
At the Philadelphia May Day event, Osborne Hart, right, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania, talks to construction worker Adrian Andrade. “We work really hard for very little pay,” Andrade said as he subscribed to the Militant.

The April 30-May 8 target week to boost the drive to expand the readership of the Militant, get out books by revolutionary working-class leaders and win contributions to the Militant Fighting Fund has gotten off to a good start. Socialist…

Cuban people join May Day march to defend their socialist revolution

Vol. 86/No. 19 - May 16, 2022
Contingent of health care workers along with students from international medical school at May Day march in Havana. Center banner says, “Long live international solidarity.”

HAVANA — More than 600,000 working people marched here May 1, International Workers Day, and hundreds of thousands more paraded through other cities and towns, big and small, across Cuba. It was a massive, celebratory expression by Cuba’s working people…