All out in solidarity with striking copper workers!

Vol. 83/No. 46 - December 16, 2019

A battle with real stakes for all working people is playing out today in the copper towns of Arizona and Texas. Asarco workers are fighting a naked union-busting assault by bosses — they need our solidarity. Build support for their…

Solidarity with copper strikers fighting Asarco union busting!

Vol. 83/No. 45 - December 9, 2019
Strikers and supporters at pre-Thanksgiving dinner at Mission mine picket line near Sahuarita, Arizona, Nov. 24. Asarco is trying to break the union by hiring strikebreakers.

Some 1,700 copper workers at four open-pit mine and processing complexes in Arizona and a refinery in Amarillo, Texas, have been on strike against mining giant Asarco since Oct. 13, fighting the bosses’ draconian union-busting demands.  Asarco’s “last, best and…

Asarco strikers fight for union, first raise in 10 years

Vol. 83/No. 44 - December 2, 2019
Workers rally Nov. 18 in solidarity with copper workers on strike against Asarco at company headquarters in Tucson, Arizona. The miners, who struck Oct. 13, are fighting union busting.

TUCSON, Ariz. — Solidarity for striking copper workers got a boost from a Nov. 18 rally of 150 in front of Asarco’s headquarters here. The workers have been on strike since Oct. 13 at four mining complexes in Arizona and…

Back strikers fighting Asarco union busting!

Join Nov. 18 solidarity rally in Tucson!
Vol. 83/No. 43 - November 25, 2019
Copper strikers picket Mission mine in Arizona Nov. 11. Asarco bosses want to break the unions.

SAHUARITA, Ariz. — Some 1,700 copper workers on strike at Asarco’s five complexes in Arizona and Amarillo, Texas, since Oct. 13 are fighting naked union busting by the bosses. They deserve the support and solidarity of workers everywhere. Worker-correspondents for…

Asarco strike deserves support of all workers

Company bosses ‘want to get rid of the union’
Vol. 83/No. 42 - November 18, 2019
Strikers at 24-hour picket line at Mission Mine, Sahuarita, Arizona, Nov. 5, where Asarco is bringing in strikebreakers. Area working people are joining the pickets to show solidarity.

Workers on strike since Oct. 13 against Asarco copper bosses at the company’s mine and processing complexes in Arizona and its smelter in Texas are winning broad solidarity for their fight for better wages, benefits and union rights. “The support’s…

Back strikers’ fight against copper bosses’ union busting

Vol. 83/No. 41 - November 11, 2019

AMARILLO, Texas — Two weeks into the strike by more than 1,700 Asarco copper workers in Arizona and Texas, the bosses have refused to negotiate with the seven unions there, claiming they won’t meet until Nov. 14. It looks like…