As Beijing and Washington talk trade deal, rivalry deepens

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019

For over a year, punishing tariffs by Washington, and Beijing’s tit-for-tat levies on U.S. products have roiled world trade. Now talks between the two governments point to a possible accommodation reflecting the relationship of forces between the two powers, at…

Kurdistan union leader: Workers faced years of tyranny, war

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019
Participants in April 4 meeting in Erbil of Kurdistan United Workers’ Union and leaders of Socialist Workers Party of U.S. and Communist Leagues of U.K. and Canada. Standing from left: Hangaw Abdullah Khan, KUWU president; Steve Clark, SWP; Steve Penner, CL, Canada; Maghdeed Ahmed, Erbil branch, KUWU; Osborne Hart, Alyson Kennedy, SWP 2016 candidates for vice president and president; Nazem Qoda, Iraqi Communist Party; Saber Othman, KUWU executive board; Ögmundur Jónsson, CL, U.K.; Omar Ismaail, Erbil branch, KUWU. Front row from left: Houree Toufeq and Abed Al Qader Ahmed, KUWU executive board.

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region, Iraq — “Workers here have faced decades of tyranny, war and terrorism,” Hangaw Abdullah Khan, president of the Kurdistan United Workers’ Union (KUWU), said at an April 4 meeting with a delegation of leaders of the Socialist…

US hands off Venezuela! Hands off Cuba!

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019

This call to action was issued May 2 by Alyson Kennedy, Socialist Workers Party candidate for mayor in Dallas. Kennedy was the SWP candidate for president in 2016. The Socialist Workers Party calls on working people in the United States…

US hands off Venezuela! US hands off Cuba!

Washington steps up its war threats, as coup attempt fails
Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019
Hundreds of thousands of people march during May Day rally in Havana to protest U.S. threats. Banner says, “Unity, Commitment and Victory.”

In the aftermath of a failed U.S.-backed coup in Venezuela, packaged as an “uprising” by pro-imperialist opposition figure Juan Guaidó, Washington is stepping up threats against revolutionary Cuba. The Socialist Workers Party has issued a call to action, urging working…

Speakout protests Beijing’s repression of Uighur people

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019

REDMOND, Wash. — “We are not an ethnic minority but an independent people with a long history. The Chinese government is attempting to wipe this out,” Duke University student Aydin Anwar told a speakout at the Muslim Association of Puget…

New Zealand picket defends women’s right to abortion

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019
New Zealand picket defends women’s right to abortion

AUCKLAND, New Zealand — Supporters of a woman’s right to choose abortion were welcomed by passersby April 13 as they picketed in defense of the Auckland Medical Aid Centre here, which provides abortion. The picket was the third in a…

‘Fight for workers control on the job’

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019

“Hospital nurses are given responsibility for too many patients and then face losing their license if they make a mistake,” Kathleen Kelly told Candace Wagner, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey General Assembly, and socialist campaigner Jenny King when…

The ‘Militant’ has always been financed by its readers

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019

A great response by readers this week brought in over $20,000 to the Militant Fighting Fund, putting the total collected at $43,834, with a further $2,321 in the mail. This bodes well for the financing of the Militant, a big…

Albert Woodfox tours against solitary, prison officials’ abuse

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019

After his release from the notorious Angola, Louisiana, prison after nearly 44 years in solitary confinement, Albert Woodfox has kept doing the same thing he had been doing behind bars — standing up for what he believes in. Woodfox is…

Philadelphia rally demands new trial for Abu-Jamal

Vol. 83/No. 19 - May 13, 2019
Philadelphia rally demands new trial for Abu-Jamal

PHILADELPHIA — Dozens marched in Germantown here April 27 demanding freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal. A former Black Panther and journalist, Abu-Jamal has been incarcerated for 37 years, much of it on death row. He has been fighting for a new…