Capitalism uses Jew-hatred, prejudice to fan divisions

Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020

Below is an excerpt from “Theses on the Jewish Question,” adopted by the Socialist Workers Party in 1939 as fascist rule grew in Europe and ultra-rightist, anti-Semitic groups grew in the U.S. It is available in the book The Founding…

Fidel Castro on Grenada: ‘Bishop was a true revolutionary’

Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020
Maurice Bishop, left, and Fidel Castro, 1980 May Day rally, Cuba. Castro said 1979 revolutions in Grenada and Nicaragua joined Cuba as “three giants rising up on threshold of imperialism.”

Below is an excerpt from a speech by Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban Revolution, given in 1983 soon after an internal coup led by Bernard Coard overthrew the 1979-83 revolution in Grenada, opening the door for the U.S. rulers…

Indiana prisoner challenges ban on ‘Militant,’ other political papers

Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020

“Officials here at the Pendleton Correctional Facility have banned the last 4 issues of your paper, issues nos. 43, 44, 45 and 46,” inmate subscriber Kevin “Rashid” Johnson wrote the Militant Dec. 27. The Indiana Department of Correction, in violation…

Protests hit killing of Iranian general

Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020
Jan. 4 protest in New York City calling for US hands off Iran, US troops out of Middle East.

Tens of thousands have joined demonstrations across the U.S. and around the world against Washington’s Jan. 2 killing of Qassem Soleimani, head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Quds Force, demanding the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all U.S. troops and weaponry…

Support the Asarco miners strike against union busting

Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020

“People need to know what we are fighting for,” Alex Terrazas, a worker at the Mission Mine and president of United Steelworkers Local 937 told this Militant worker-correspondent Jan. 7. “Asarco is a multibillion dollar corporation. They’re taking from our…

SWP advances working-class fight to bring troops home

Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020
Protest in New York Jan. 4, part of national weekend of demonstrations calling for “U.S. out of the Middle East.” SWP supporters joined in, advancing working-class road forward.

The Socialist Workers Party calls for the immediate, unconditional and total withdrawal of all U.S. troops from the Middle East,” Ned Measel, a member of the party in Louisville, Kentucky, told a rally of 50 people there Jan. 4. “The…

Why fight against Jew-hatred is a key question for working class

Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020
Thousands march from Manhattan to Brooklyn Jan. 5 to protest series of attacks on Jews.

NEW YORK — Some 25,000 people marched here against anti-Semitism Jan. 5. The large turnout on short notice reflects the growing interest in finding ways to stand up to anti-Semitism. Members and supporters of the Socialist Workers Party joined the…

US hands off Iran, Iraq! Get out of the Mideast!

‘For immediate withdrawal of US troops from Mideast’
Vol. 84/No. 2 - January 20, 2020
Jan. 4 Chicago protest, one of over 70 in U.S. demanding Washington get out of Middle East.

The following corrected statement was issued Jan. 10 by Naomi Craine, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Illinois. The Socialist Workers Party condemns Washington’s military action killing Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani; Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a leader of the…