Blackjewel miners win solidarity in fight for jobs and stolen wages

Vol. 83/No. 31 - August 26, 2019
Miners in Harlan County, Kentucky, get on bus to attend Blackjewel Coal bankruptcy hearing Aug. 5 in Charleston, West Virginia, wearing T-shirts saying “Pay the miners first, lawyers last.”

CUMBERLAND, Ky. — Coal miners thrown out of work here by Blackjewel Coal when the company declared bankruptcy July 1 have been blocking the railroad tracks leading out of the Cloverlick #3 mine to protest the company bouncing their last…

Stop the raids! Amnesty for immigrants in the US!

Capitalist rulers aim to divide working class
Vol. 83/No. 31 - August 26, 2019
“We march so no other kid has to go through what we did,” 18-year-old Dulce Basurto-Arce said at Aug. 11 protest in Canton, Mississippi. Some signs read, “Our parents are not criminals.”

The arrest of 680 immigrant workers at seven poultry processing plants in six Mississippi cities Aug. 7 and the threat of their deportation is aimed at instilling fear among the millions of undocumented workers in the country and dividing the…

Protesters in Kashmir say, ‘India get out of our country’

Vol. 83/No. 31 - August 26, 2019
London protest Aug. 7 against direct rule by Indian government in Kashmir.

BIRMINGHAM, England — Thousands have taken to the streets of Indian-occupied Kashmir to protest the imposition of direct rule by the Indian government. The actions are the latest in a decadeslong struggle by the Kashmiri people for self-determination that has…

SWP presents working-class candidates, road forward

Vol. 83/No. 31 - August 26, 2019

PITTSBURGH — “The 2020 presidential elections are well underway. Donald Trump is running for reelection and a couple dozen Democrats of various stripes are hammering each other to be the one to stand against him. Each one seeks to represent…

Kentucky miners block coal trains to demand back pay

Fight shows need to organize unions, use union power
Vol. 83/No. 30 - August 19, 2019
Coal miners and supporters block rail tracks at mine near Cumberland, Kentucky, to prevent Blackjewel Coal from shipping coal until company pays miners wages they are owed.

Dozens of miners and their families have set up camp on rail tracks near Cumberland, Kentucky, to block trains hauling coal from the Cloverlick #3 Mine. They’re protesting the refusal of Blackjewel Coal Co, which declared bankruptcy July 1, to…

Oppose US economic sanctions on Venezuela!

Vol. 83/No. 30 - August 19, 2019

In an escalation of its economic sanctions against Venezuela, President Donald Trump issued an executive order Aug. 5 that prohibits almost all remaining U.S. trade with the government of Venezuela and aims to get foreign companies to comply as well.…