COVID-19 poses deadly crisis for workers behind bars

Vol. 84/No. 50 - December 21, 2020

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep its way through the U.S., those facing some of the worst conditions are working people behind bars. Inmates have been infected at a rate that is more than four times higher than that…

Capitalist rulers’ health ‘care’ system is disaster for workers

Vol. 84/No. 50 - December 21, 2020

Little better prepared for the surge in coronavirus infections than in the spring, the capitalist rulers organize their health care industry on the basis of what’s profitable, what best puts them in a position to compete with their rivals, as…

Social crisis, union fight mark life in Arizona mining towns

Vol. 84/No. 46 - November 23, 2020
“Workers in this country have the sheer numbers, so they keep us down and divided,” Iris Lamb, left, told Socialist Workers party member Ellie García. “A powder keg is building up.”

KEARNY, Ariz. — Like other workers across the country, miners and others in Arizona’s “copper triangle” are facing an unprecedented economic and social crisis. Over 60% of copper produced in the U.S. comes from the state and despite some mine…

Cops videocam shows Walter Wallace shot in cold blood

Vol. 84/No. 46 - November 23, 2020

PHILADELPHIA — Hundreds turned out for the Nov. 7 funeral service at the National Temple Baptist Church in North Philadelphia commemorating the life of Walter Wallace Jr. He was killed by Philadelphia cops Sean Matarazzo and Thomas Munz Oct. 26.…

‘First Amendment freedoms threatened by disclosures’

Vol. 84/No. 45 - November 16, 2020

The threatened disclosure of the names and addresses of Socialist Workers Party Presidential electors ignores a fundamental constitutional principle: as the Supreme Court stated in its great decision of the 1950s protecting civil rights organizations in the South, “inviolability of…

Belarus protests and strikes shake Lukashenko regime

Vol. 84/No. 44 - November 9, 2020
Some 200,000 protesters in Minsk, Belarus, Oct. 25, mark 11 weeks of marches, strikes demanding dictator Alexander Lukashenko resign, new elections be held and all those detained by authorities be released.

Demanding the resignation of President Alexander Lukashenko, some 200,000 people took to the streets of Minsk, Belarus, Oct. 25, the largest protest against the regime in several weeks. Strikes by workers around the country the following day kept up the…

Colombia miners strike over coal boss concession demands

Vol. 84/No. 43 - November 2, 2020
March supports strike of El Cerrejón open-pit coal miners Oct. 9 in Villanueva, Colombia. Banner says, “No to the death shift,” opposing bosses’ demand for dangerous work schedule.

Hundreds of miners, family members and supporters from indigenous, Afro-Colombian and other groups marched through the streets of Riohacha and several other towns in the Northeast region of Colombia Oct. 9 to support the strike at El Cerrejón open-pit coal…

Cuba puts science, health care at the service of working people

Vol. 84/No. 42 - October 26, 2020
Cuban medical students, teachers prepare to do daily house to house visits in fight against COVID. Gains of Cuban health system stem from six decades of workers and peasants in power.

At a time when the crisis provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic continues to expose the class-divided, catastrophic state of “health care” in the U.S., there is a sharp contrast in the response of revolutionary Cuba both on the island and…

History comes from class struggle, not the Supreme Court

Vol. 84/No. 40 - October 12, 2020

Dire forebodings about Senate confirmation of President Donald Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett for the U.S. Supreme Court fill the pages of the liberal media. Liberals insist she would cement a conservative majority on the court that would form…