Protesters: Prosecute cops who killed Breonna Taylor!

Vol. 84/No. 33 - August 24, 2020
Twenty-six billboards in Louisville from Oprah Magazine demand charge cops who killed Breonna Taylor.

Growing refusal among working people to accept police brutality is propelling support for the arrest and prosecution of the Louisville, Kentucky, cops who killed Breonna Taylor. But five months after the emergency-room technician was gunned down in a “no-knock” break-in…

Court backs Nevada gov’t attack on right to worship

Vol. 84/No. 32 - August 17, 2020
Above, Paris Las Vegas casino reopens June 18 based on Nevada governor’s 50% capacity rule, but churches and other religious institutions could only admit 50 people total. Supreme Court ruled against Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley’s challenge to this blow against freedom to worship.

In a serious attack on the constitutional right of freedom to worship, the U.S. Supreme Court voted July 24 to refuse to suspend a public health order imposed by Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak limiting attendance at church services. It was…

Fighters for Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain rally together

Vol. 84/No. 31 - August 10, 2020

Two of the most publicized cases where cops shot and killed people and haven’t been indicted — the killings of emergency room technician Breonna Taylor in Louisville and Elijah McClain in Aurora, Colorado — came together in Kentucky July 24.…

Join campaign to get Socialist Workers Party on the ballot

Vol. 84/No. 30 - August 3, 2020
Mary Martin, right, campaigns for SWP candidates in Kent, Washington. Cruise ship worker Kathleen Jones was stuck at sea for two months due to quarantine. “I’ll sign for the candidates,” she said after hearing that SWP is for public works program to put people back to work.

The Socialist Workers Party is campaigning to get Alyson Kennedy and Malcolm Jarrett, its candidates for president and vice president, on the ballot in Washington state, Tennessee and elsewhere. The party has run a presidential slate in every election since…

Contributions to SWP ‘stimulus’ appeal at $138,600

Vol. 84/No. 30 - August 3, 2020

The IRS announced the final batches of government “stimulus” payments, which were first sent out in April, will be issued through the end of the year. As these late and delayed payments arrive, the Socialist Workers Party’s special “stimulus” appeal…

Protests demand prosecute cops who shot Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain

Vol. 84/No. 28 - July 20, 2020
June 27 protest in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, against the cop killing of Ejaz Choudry.

Following widespread protests worldwide by hundreds of thousands of working people after Minneapolis cops killed George Floyd, demonstrators against police brutality continue taking to the streets. The number and size of these actions are smaller than over past weeks, but…

Court grants reprieve for ‘Dreamers,’ White House to refile to end program

Vol. 84/No. 26 - July 6, 2020

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling June 18 rejecting on procedural grounds the way the administration of President Donald Trump reached its decision to dismantle the “Dreamers” program. This Barack Obama-era program protects from deportation some 700,000 undocumented immigrants…