SWP fall drive gets truth out about workers’ strike battles

Vol. 83/No. 45 - December 9, 2019
SWP member and rail worker Deborah Liatos speaks with Asarco striker Jim Wagener at Nov. 18 rally in Tucson, Arizona. He got a Militant subscription and In Defense of US Working Class.

As the Socialist Workers Party drive to expand the readership of the Militant  and books by revolutionary working-class leaders enters its final stretch, the newspaper is being used by party members to build solidarity with labor battles waged by workers…

Step up pace to make fall books, fund, Militant drive

Vol. 83/No. 44 - December 2, 2019
Communist League member Felicity Coggan, left, speaks with Jennifer Holmes Nov. 16 in Sydney, Australia. “The whole system needs an overhaul,” said Holmes, “I’m paying full market rent on my own.” She bought Militant subscription and The Turn to Industry book.

Socialist Workers Party members are stepping up the pace of the international drive to expand the readership of the Militant and books by revolutionary leaders that explain the program of the party in the campaign’s final three weeks. An invaluable…

Sales of ‘Turn to Industry’ book boosts fall campaign

Vol. 83/No. 43 - November 25, 2019
Jerion Evans gets The Turn to Industry: Forging a Proletarian Party by SWP National Secretary Jack Barnes, from Maggie Trowe, and Samir Hazboun, right, in Louisville, Kentucky, Nov. 9.

The Socialist Workers Party drive to get 1,100 Militant subscriptions and 1,250 books by revolutionary leaders into the hands of working people got a boost with the publication of The Turn to Industry: Forging a Proletarian Party by SWP National…

Tens of thousands in Iraq protest interference by Tehran, US rulers

Vol. 83/No. 43 - November 25, 2019

Tens of thousands of working people and youth in Baghdad and throughout southern Iraq continue to join anti-government protests demanding an end to the sectarian political system established after Washington’s bloody invasion of the country in 2003, a halt to…

Iraqi protests grow, demand halt to Tehran’s interference

Vol. 83/No. 42 - November 18, 2019
Demonstrators in Iraq block Joumhouriya bridge in Baghdad Nov. 3. Protesters demand end to government’s refusal to provide jobs, electricity, and an end to Tehran’s ongoing intervention.

Tens of thousands of Iraqis rallied in Baghdad Nov. 1 in the largest anti-government demonstrations since the U.S. invasion in 2003. The actions — fueled by deteriorating living conditions, demands for political rights and widespread anger about the Iranian government’s…

As competition heats up, retail bosses tell workers, ‘Speed up’

Vol. 83/No. 42 - November 18, 2019
Worker at Amazon Fulfillment Center in Staten Island, New York, hits button to indicate order robotically transported to her workstation is done. Bosses’ speedup has led to increase in on-the-job injuries. Inset, company tests drone making deliveries.

Amazon, like its giant retail competitor Walmart, seeks to maximize its profits off workers’ backs. Both companies are stepping up use of robots to press their relentless speedup and intensify the exploitation of workers.  A study by the New York…

SWP drive to sell books to explain party, its program

Vol. 83/No. 41 - November 11, 2019

Socialist Workers Party members and supporters in Chicago have been taking the Militant  and books by SWP leaders and other working-class revolutionaries to workers at GM strike picket lines and some other large United Auto Workers-organized plants in the area.…

Militant, books drive advances solidarity with union battles

Vol. 83/No. 40 - November 4, 2019
Communist League campaign supporter Amelie Lanteigne, right, introduces Militant to Michelle Guay in Beloeil, Quebec, Oct. 19. Guay said she backs Steelworkers strike at Galvano plant.

Socialist Workers Party members and supporters have been taking the Militant to workers on strike at Mack Truck, Asarco and General Motors and building support for these fights through taking news of these class battles door to door to working…

Lift US sanctions on NKorea! For a nuclear-free peninsula!

Vol. 83/No. 39 - October 28, 2019

Washington should immediately and unconditionally “lift all sanctions against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea” and “live up to the White House pledge last year to halt joint war games with Seoul,” wrote Steve Clark, Oct. 10, for the Socialist…