DSI Tunneling workers in Louisville hold the line

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021
Teamsters Local 89 members, on strike against DSI Tunneling for a contract since last August, picket in Louisville, Kentucky, March 19. The steel-fabrication workers joined the union in 2019. “They hired temporary workers and hoped we’d go away. But we’re still here, getting support from other workers,” Knox Harris, center, told SWP member Jacquie Henderson, right.

Teamsters Local 89 members, on strike against DSI Tunneling for a contract since last August, picket in Louisville, Kentucky, March 19. The steel-fabrication workers joined the union in 2019. “They hired temporary workers and hoped we’d go away. But we’re…

Build solidarity with ATI Steelworkers on strike!

Fight attack on their jobs, health care and union
Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021
March 30 picket line in Washington, Pennsylvania, first day of strike against ATI. Steelworkers haven’t had a raise since 2014, face boss demands to cut jobs, add more divisive wage tiers.

BRACKENRIDGE, Pa. — Scores of union steelworkers joined picket lines at the Allegheny Technologies Inc. mill here March 30, and at the mill in Washington, as 1,300 United Steelworkers members in five states struck against the company’s profit-driven concession demands.…

Mass protests in Myanmar face deadly gov’t assaults

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021

Streets were deserted and shopping districts shuttered in large cities, small towns and villages all across Myanmar March 24 during a one day “silent strike,” demonstrating the overwhelming opposition to the brutal military junta that seized power Feb. 1.  When…

Workers and our unions need to lead fight for jobs

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021
Gap between the productivity squeezed out of workers and their pay has increased dramatically since 1979, as speedup led to a nearly 70% increase in workers’ productivity, while wages rose only 11.6%. Bosses are pushing even harder under crisis conditions unfolding today.

Millions of workers have been forced into long-term joblessness by the crisis of the capitalist rulers and their profit-driven mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, capitalist investors are plowing trillions of dollars into a frenzy of speculation…

Caravans, rallies worldwide say, ‘End the US embargo of Cuba!’

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021
Rally in Albany, New York, March 28, by participants in car caravan against U.S. economic war against Cuba. Similar caravans and rallies took place in 16 U.S. cities and 60 countries.

Thousands joined car caravans and rallies to protest the U.S. government’s economic war against Cuba in at least 16 U.S. cities and 60 countries around the world March 28. In Cuba, hundreds of cyclists and carloads of people took to…

‘Support amnesty for all immigrant workers in the US’

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021

The Joseph Biden administration insists that its attitude toward immigration is more “humane” than that of Donald Trump’s before it. But the fact is Biden is trying to shut the U.S. southern border as increasing numbers of migrant workers from…

SWP discusses road forward for workers in New Jersey ballot drive

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021
Candace Wagner, SWP candidate for New Jersey lieutenant governor, speaks with Shanice Williams March 28. Williams, a postal worker, signed to put Socialist Workers Party on ballot.

UNION CITY, N.J. — Socialist Workers Party campaign supporters continue to make steady progress toward ballot status for Joanne Kuniansky, the party’s candidate for New Jersey governor. By March 29, 914 signatures were collected toward the goal of 1,500. Petitions…

Montreal longshore workers fight for safety on the job

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021

MONTREAL — By an almost unanimous vote March 21 longshore workers at the Port of Montreal rejected the latest “final” concession contract demands by the Maritime Employers Association. The online strike authorization vote by members of Canadian Union of Public…

Steelworkers in Farrell, Pennsylvania, end strike

Vol. 85/No. 14 - April 12, 2021

Over 400 members of United Steelworkers Local 1016-3, who had been on strike for six months against NLMK Steel in Farrell, Pennsylvania, voted up a four-year contract March 1. At the center of the strike was workers’ efforts to keep…

770,000 file for unemployment in one week — Workers need jobs!

Vol. 85/No. 13 - April 5, 2021
Protest in Boston March 23 demanding hotel bosses recall workers they have laid off during COVID-19 pandemic. Nonunion Marriott Copley is one of hundreds of hotels across the country that have thrown large numbers of workers out on the street over the last year.

The Joseph Biden Democratic Party administration says it plans to follow up its coronavirus relief package of $1,400 one-time checks with a swath of proposals it says will transform the country’s crumbling infrastructure. This includes building millions of electric car…